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"...His eyes were practically ripping my clothes off. They were just screaming, 'fuck me!' man..."


My fingers traced the spine of the movie cases as I paced through the horror aisle. There were so many options. I just couldn't make up my mind. I could pick a classic, go down the underground route, or even pick something so gross and grotesque it scares everyone at the party off, so it's just me, Billy, and Stu.

And probably Randy since he too had the same affinity for horror films. I doubt he would stop watching horror movies even if he was shot.

Speaking of Randy, he came rolling down the aisle on one of the store's rollers used for shelving. He turned to me with a brand new DVD of 'The Shining', "I've been saving this one just liked you asked."

I took the DVD from his hands and began to examine the case, "And this is the special director's cut, right? You know, Kubrick is my favorite director, so if it isn't-"

"Oh!" Stu screamed as he pushed some DVDs out of Randy's hand.

"Dork," Randy grumbled as Stu laughed while wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I relaxed back into Stu as I tried my best to hide my chuckles from behind the The Shining DVD.

"Jesus, this place is packed, man," Stu said as he scanned the place.

Randy picked up the DVDs that Stu had knocked over, "We had a run in the mass murder section."

"You know, I would think people would rather not think about mass murder now than ever," I replied.

Stu gave me a wicked grin, "Who knows, maybe they want to die in some mass murder orgy."

I kicked his shin, "Ew, Stu!"

"My bad! My bad! Anyways, Randy, you comin' to my fiesta?" Stu winced.

"Yeah, I'm off early. Curfew, you know?"


I glanced at Stu. Was he planning to murder Randy too? I knew he was never really fond of the guy, and my suspicions about Casey's murder were out of pure spite, so it wouldn't have been too out of character if that was the case.

A girl came up to Randy, drifting my attention away from my less-than-delightful thoughts to her, "What's that werewolf movie with E.T.'s mom in it?"

Stu and I shared a look of disgust at the mention of the movie. It was even worse than Jaws: The Revenge which was saying a lot. Stu moved to whisper in my ear as Randy directed the girl to where the movie was, "If she really wanted to watch a movie about a hairy beast she should just watch a Robin Williams movie."

"Robin Williams' is hot though," I whispered back.


"Nothing." I giggled.

𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨 , 𝗴𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲 Where stories live. Discover now