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"...You're too clever to kill me here..."


My shoulders tensed at the threat. He could be bluffing, but I wouldn't take the chance. Looking out from my peripherals I saw Dewey and Mama giving me concerned looks. It left me no chance but to mask my panic as best as I can. I had no intention of freaking everyone out even more.

Mama walked up to me and began to inspect my face with her diligent eyes, "Who was that?"

"Nothing, Mama. At most, it was some stupid prank caller trying to freak out Sid"

She just caressed my face, "I'm glad you got it sorted out. You've always been such a brave little boy."

"I'm not little anymore, mom! I'm 17 for Christ's sake!" I whined.

"You'll always be my little boy no matter how old you get."

I just gave her a loving smile as I began to retreat up the stairs. She returned it as she hobbled her way to her room. Dewey had already left to go put back his gun I guess. I dropped my happy facade as I hiked up the stairs. I needed a weapon just in case the caller was keeping his word.

There was a broom in the storage closet between Tatum's and the bathroom, and I searched between the cleaning supplies to find it. Reaching into the dusty depths of the closet I gripped the handle of the broom.

Pulling it out of the closet I swung it a few times for practice. It was reliable enough to save me from a possible murder in my opinion. Stalking towards my door with my weapon pointed forward I began to peek into my room and creep the door open.

Opening the door I began to swing it blindly everywhere I could reach. When I felt a body mass I frantically swatted the broom against it.

"Ow! Ow! Stop it! Stop it!"

I peered from under my eyelashes to see Billy there trying to grab hold of the broom. He eventually got ahold of the other side, and we yanked it back and forth.

He yanked it towards him harshly, and I tumbled into his chest as he fell against the wall; dropping the broom. Billy wrapped his hands around my biceps and held me against him, "What was that for?"

"What do you mean? Why are you here?" I questioned Billy.

"I told you I was coming over!"

I blinked at him, "Oh, yeah. I forgot about that."

Billy just leaned his head against the wall, "God, [Name]! How do you forget that so quickly!"

𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨 , 𝗴𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲 Where stories live. Discover now