halloween special

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"...I mean the death scenes are fun, but the plot lacks real substance..."

Stu, Billy, and I were walking side by side as we walked down the bustling neighborhood. Kids our age and younger were running around in brand new Halloween costumes carrying big bins of candy.

It was our final year in middle school together, so we decided to go all out for trick or treating. Billy was dressed up as the Candyman since it had been his favorite horror movie since we all saw it together in the movie theater. Stu had gone for a more comedic look dressing up as Carrie. Although the two wanted me to join in on their horror themed costumes I was dressed up as Fred from Drop Dead Fred.

The night felt like it was never ending with more houses begging for us to take their delicious candy as we turned down each corner of the neighborhood.  Stu definitely had the most between the three of us though with his boundless charm and charisma with the parents who tried to subtly give him extra candy without Billy and I noticing. Those efforts failed; however, with our observant eyes noticing everything and anything.

Although it didn't feel like it the night did have to come to an end eventually. Our trio sat on the large porch of Stu's house munching on the large amounts of candy filling up our bags as we talked about meaningless things like most teenage boys do.

Except for the fact Billy and Stu were not like most teenage boys I knew. They had an obsession with horror films so strong it was slightly concerning. Their obsession had bothered me at first, but as time went on and they dragged me to more and more horror movie seeings at the movie theaters I learned to love horror films as much as they do.

Which was ever so apparent now as the two boys sitting next to me argued over Child's Play 3 for the billionth time.

Stu wasn't one for plots, but rather enjoyed the goriness of the film, "Okay, but this film had too high of a standard to live up to! Child's Play 2 was a masterpiece, so of course this one wouldn't be as good, but it's still fun to watch!"

Billy, on the other hand, hated mindless slasher films with no substance, "This is the weakest film in the franchise so far. I mean the death scenes are fun, but the plot lacks real substance."

A delicate smile was spread across my face as I watch the two boys argue. I admired the fierceness on their faces as they argued over their stances.

Sadly, our fun was interrupted by Stu's mom calling him inside. Billy and I shared a frown as we waved bye to Stu as he stood sadly at his front door. The light escaping from the open door died out as his mom shut it closed, leaving Billy and me alone in the darkness.

The darkness that filled our surroundings made me tense. It was embarrassing that at the age of 14 I still had a fear of the dark, so I usually kept it to myself. Billy gave me a concerned look, but just shrugged it off when I flashed him a forced smile.

The two of us walked along the bumpy, countryside road as we left the huge Matcher house. I stuck close to Billy too scared to be far from him in the dark.

Our hands would touch ever so slightly, but when it happened it sent my naive, preteen mind wild. Billy was cute. His cuteness wasn't helping my disdain towards my recent feelings towards him. Recent feelings bottled up inside of me that I wasn't sure I was allowed to feel.

The touch of our hands broke me out of my thoughts. It was different this time. Billy's hand was now holding mine. I glanced fearfully at our hands before glancing up at Billy.

He held a look of certainty in his eyes that was opposite of mine.

With a stride forward he pressed our lips together. My blood ran hot at the feeling, and panic was coming over me like a tsunami. I pushed the boy away, and he fell to the ground with an oomph as his candy spilled around him.

I ran harder than ever away from Billy's shaking body. Cries for me to come back echoed into the emptiness of the night, but I paid no mind. I just ran.

The scene of Billy smooshing his lips against mine played in my head like a broken VHS tape. I didn't want to watch it anymore. The feeling of his life pressed against mine was still present, and I prayed the wind blowing against my running body would smear the feeling off.

Billy Loomis wasn't supposed to be my first kiss. Not in a million years.


𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨 , 𝗴𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲 Where stories live. Discover now