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"...How does it feel to be almost brutally butchered...?"


I could hear the hustle and bustle from downstairs as I lay motionless on my bed. The last thing I wanted to do was go to school. Not when two massive problems were looming over me named Billy Loomis and Stu Macher.

My brain refused to think about anything other than last night's incidents, and it was paralyzing me. The taste of Billy's lips on mine invaded not only my mouth but also my mind. Even the feeling of Stu kissing my forehead still burned into my skin.

I slammed my face into my pillow. At least before Billy kissed me I only had one murderer on my mind! Like that was any better though. God, [Name], liking one murderer is not a good thing!

Standing up from my mess of a bed I headed downstairs. Hopefully, breakfast would clear my mind, but my optimism was low. Downstairs I would just find more reasons to think of Billy and Stu. Example A is Sidney Prescott, and example B is Tatum Riley; My dear beloved sister and her best friend.

As I started at the foot of the staircase I imagined myself falling, getting a major head concussion, and then slipping into a coma for the rest of my murder-riddled life. However, as I walked down step after step my dream became less plausible.

Downstairs was just like how I imagined; loud and chaotic. Mama was cooking breakfast, Dewey was filling his plate, Sidney eating quietly at the table, and Tatum was sitting beside her. The news was on, and I subconsciously tuned in to what it was saying. As expected, it was about Sidney being attacked last night. I gave her a quick look of pity before piling some toast onto my plate.

I waved to Dewey as Mama walked over to the table, watching the television with the rest of the girls. I nudged Dewey to go turn off the TV, not wanting Sidney to be disturbed by the news. There wasn't a thing I hated more than the news and its goons like Gale Weathers.

I followed behind Dewey, sitting down to eat my quick breakfast. My heart ached at the sight of Sidney. Not only was her boyfriend a murderer, but she had framed the wrong guy, and was constantly taunted for it by the media. Not to mention, I made out with her boyfriend a couple of hours prior.

"It's never going to stop, is it?"

The sound of Sidney's tone made me feel even worse. It was the sound of utter hopelessness. I scoured at my breakfast. She was an innocent teen girl. She never deserved any of this.

"Billy was released."

I peeked my head back up to Dewey. I already knew Billy had been released due to our 'activities' last night, but I was curious as to how everyone would take it. I turned to Dewey, "So he didn't make the calls?"

"No. His cellular bill was clean."

Was he using a disposable phone? Most killers tend to do... It was a smart move, no doubt. I made an internal note to put down a disposable phone on my bulletin board later. I would have to see if that theory was true though.

𝗦𝗖𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗠 𝗙𝗢𝗥 𝗬𝗢𝗨 , 𝗴𝗵𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲 Where stories live. Discover now