HC When character kabedons reader

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I'm very tired. I might edit this properly later, but for now I'm just gonna post this. The next one should be a longer one shot if I can manage to edit in a mannerly time frame.



Characters reacting to reader saying "I love you" for the first time to them



(Separate) Luffy, Rosinante, Law, Robin and Ace

Fluff, humour, tiny smidge of angst on Ace's part

F/n - First Name

Word count: 360 words


When character kabedons reader


-he's coerced/tricked into doing it
-has no idea it has any kind of romantic/flirty connotation
-he simply laughs while caging you in
-then asks you if he did it right
-if you don't answer him you'll see him blatantly turn to look at, whomever it was that tricked/coerced him into doing it, in an attempt to get an answer


-he does it by accident
-he trips and ends up caging you in with his arms when he tries to not to crush you under him
-when he realizes your guys' position he freaks out and accidentally fully lands on you
-after he finally gets off of you he starts to apologize profusely while blushing furiously


-does not typically use kabedon for flirting
-he uses it to intimidate people
-so for him to do it to you means you probably pissed him off and now he has caught you
-if you in any way indicate that you find it hot in that moment, he will simply smirk and tease you, saying something along the lines of "Oh? F/n-ya, are you enjoying this?"
-will from then on kabedon you just to fluster you
-will absolutely use one of his long ass legs to kabedon you instead of his arms if he feels like it


-absolutely does it on purpose to fluster and tease you
-the inescapable kabedon
-uses her devil fruit to her advantage and summons extra arms to make sure you won't escape her kabedon
-smirks softly and whispers in your ear
-"It seems like I've caught you F/n-san"


-is the type to use kabedon both on purpose and on accident
-does the kabedon to you when he plans to confess to make sure you won't run away from his feelings (he certainly would if he was you)
-after he's done confessing he slowly retreats and let's you go
-one time he fell asleep and fell on top of you
-when he woke up he found you being kabedoned by him
-he was super embarrassed afterwards and quite a few of his crewmates teased him over it


Thank you for reading!

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