Law X M!Reader: Unexpected Smile

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It's funny how I had this in line as the next post and it ended up being Law's birthday today despite me typically not making one shots for characters' birthdays. The only thing I really did to make this happen was to post it today instead of tomorrow. Anyway happy birthday to one of my favourite boys! Such a cute dork~



Law and Reader relax together, until Law notices something unusual about his usually stoic boyfriend


M!Stoic!Reader x Trafalgar D. Water Law

Fluff, humour, Law and Reader are in an established relationship, two dumb boys who love each other, Law's brain is a possessive bastard that comes up with silly things when he's in love

F/n - First Name, 'thoughts' - thoughts

Word count: 523 words


Law and F/n were simply cuddling together on Law's bed in the captain's cabin. Law was using this opportunity of having his boyfriend all to himself to relax and F/n was doing the same.

Law was resting his head in the others lap while F/n played with his hair. As the captain got done enjoying the cool blackness that his closed eyes provided he decided to take a peek at his boyfriend who was still carding his hands through his hair.

The sight that he saw shocked Law immensely. An angel had descended upon the earth and graced his unworthy eyes with this angelic sight. His typically stoic boyfriend was smiling. He looked so cute. Law was shocked to his core by the sight.

"What the hell?!" he accidentally voiced out in his shock. The other was shocked enough by his sudden outburst that their hands stilled.

"Law, is everything okay?"

That brought Law's thoughts back to focus. He didn't know how to answer. How was he supposed to explain to his boyfriend that, because said boyfriend had smiled he had lost control over his brain. He was going to stay quiet, but seeing that smile start to contort into worry, he decided to at least say something.

"Sorry, everything's alright. I just overreacted" he said with pink cheeks, without explaining what he had overreacted to. Seeing that Law was embarrassed by his outburst, F/n decided to let it go this time. After all this time was meant for them to relax from their duties and other external stress sources, so he didn't want to impede that.

They returned to their relaxation. F/n returned to playing with Law's hair while Law closed his eyes to compose himself so that he could hopefully look at his boyfriend's cute smiling face again, preferably without overloading his brain this time. When he finally was calm enough to look at him again, the smile had returned and the man was humming some sort of tune quietly to himself. Why was his boyfriend so cute? At this point his cuteness was criminal.

While Law loved his boyfriend's stoic face a lot he also now kind of wished he could see him smile more often. Then a terrible thought struck him.

"Don't you dare ever smile at anyone else but me F/n-ya, Captain's orders"

"Huh? Why?"

"Because you're too cute when you do, they'll definitely kidnap you" Law told him seriously. He then watched as his boyfriend got very flustered for a moment, Law enjoying the other rare expression on his face, before F/n became amused by his boyfriend's antics.

"Sure Captain, whatever you say" he replied with an amused smile on his face. F/n watched as Law's face turned an adorable red colour simply because of his smile.

"F/n-ya, I want you to say my name again"

"Sure, if it makes you happy, Law~" F/n said and gave a quick peck on his forehead before pulling back to watch Law's face simply get even redder. The same thought ran through both their minds.

'My boyfriend's just too cute'


Thank you for reading!

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