HC What happens when they realize they're in love

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I didn't have the best week and ended up forgetting to post something earlier so here I am now. Right now I'm resenting my shitty motivations spikes to post things that always happen around midnight (like is the case yet again for me).



What happens when they realize they're in love with you



Character and Reader are not together (yet)

(Separate) Luffy, Law, Rosinante, Shanks, Crocodile and Nami

Fluff, humour, tiny smidges of angst sprinkled about, idiots falling in love, denial of feelings

'thoughts' - thoughts

Word count: 708


What happens when they realize they're in love


-followed by the relief of now knowing what that weird feeling he'd never felt before was
-it took him so long to realize his feelings were something different for you than his friends and to identify what those feelings were, that his feelings evolved into love before he figured it out
-most likely someone helped him understand his feeling, whether they did it intentionally or not
-if whomever it was that helped him figure out his feelings doesn't stop him he will immediately go and confess to you
-if they don't manage to stop him he'll burst into whatever room or space you're in and then loudly profess his feelings to you in a very Luffy-like way
-if they do manage to stop him, they have to drill it into his head that he should think about how he's going to confess and not do it just willy nilly
-if he agrees to whatever plan they made, it better be within a short time period since every time you now talk to him he's holding his hands over his mouth to stop himself from just blurting out his feeling for you
-in either case don't expect his confession to be elegant in any shape or form


-heavy denial all the way, baby
-when he can no longer deny it from himself he goes straight to ignoring his own feelings
-is of the mentality that if he ignores his emotions, they don't exist
-will become very worried for your well-being due to his trauma of losing loved ones
-if you do get injured or sick he'll be very stressed and basically coddle you the entire time
-won't talk about his feelings with anyone, that includes himself
-if anyone makes any remarks about him having feelings for you, he'll rearrange them and leave them like that until either he's no longer upset or he thinks they've suffered enough


-the moment he realizes his feelings have evolved from a simple crush to actual love he will do that very iconic shocked face he has and drop his cigarette thus setting himself on fire with the flames (of love)
-he gets even more clumsy and accident prone when he's near you
-can't look you in the eye, if he does he'll get very flustered and embarrassed
-very worried about if he should even confess now that his feelings are more serious
-assumes he will get rejected even if he does
-'Damn it, this was so much easier when it was just a crush...'


-he's slightly taken aback about how long it took for him to notice his own feelings and for it to get to the point of love before he noticed
-is mostly at peace with himself and doesn't really mind falling in love
-he does worry about any one of his enemies finding out and using it against him, but in the sense that he doesn't want to cause trouble for you
-actually blushes now if you flirt with him or show him any kind of romantic interest, and his crew relentlessly tease him for it
-starts to think about confessing


-disappointed in himself for falling in love
-when it was just attraction or a silly crush he could have easily ignored it, and he did, but now that it's gotten to this point he has to reconsider some things
-slowly starts to accommodate for you in his plans, to make sure you'll be alright when things start going down
-tries his best not to change his behaviour towards you so that no one notices
-despite his best efforts he's still slightly more protective of you than he was before


-actually notices her feelings early on and watches them slowly develop into love
-gets more self-conscious about what she wears around you and how you view her
-genuinely smiles more when she's around you
-starts to slowly show subtle signs that she likes you in hopes that you confess to her if you like her too, since she doesn't want to be the first one to bare herself open emotionally only to get rejected
-talks to Robin about it to get her perspective and advice


Thank you for reading!

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