Robin X Reader: Pictionary

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A little bit of shorter one, but I still like it as it is.



Robin and Reader are a great team in pictionary.


GN!Artist!Reader x Nico Robin

Fluff, humour, established relationship

F/n - First Name

Word count: 436 words


It started as an innocent fun idea, a game night. Whatever could go wrong with that with a crew like the Straw Hats? A lot.

On one occasion they had decided to play pictionary. They grouped up in to pairs, no one daring to complain about Robin and F/n, their artist, teaming up due to them dating as well as Robin's threatening calm smile when someone was about to voice a complaint.

The first few rounds go as normal as a game with the Straw Hats could go, Nami beating up Luffy due to his depiction of her, Sanji openly complaining about not getting to team up with neither of the girls and Franky doing a pose after each of his guesses, to name a few.

The real deal however came when it finally was Robin and F/n's turn. To say they dominated the game would be an understatement. They crushed the opposition with no hesitation.

At first the crew thought it was simply because of Robin's intelligence and quick wit paired with F/n's vast artistic ability. But they were proven wrong when even when they switched places they continued to keep up their winning pace.

Robin made sure to keep her drawings simple and to the point while F/n had enough practice with guessing whatever Luffy's drawings were that he wanted them to draw, to accurately pinpoint the answer in minimal time with how clear Robin's drawings were. They won that game night with a landslide.

The next time the crew still let them team up due to their relationship, hoping their win was just a fluke. That was proven false however when they again won with a considerable lead.

And then it happened a third time. At which point the rest of the crew decided that they wouldn't be allowed to play together. They tried playing with them in different pairs, but Robin ended up getting frustrated when it was F/n turn to draw and their Captain took way too long, according to her, to get the answers, and F/n simply wistfully stared at Robin the whole time they were not playing.

Thus a decision was made; Robin and F/n were banned from playing pictionary against the crew. If the crew were to play it again, Robin would act as a judge in charge of catching cheaters and F/n would be the scorekeeper. The only way they would be allowed to play was if they weren't playing against the crew and in that case the two would be their go to players representing the Straw Hats.


Thank you for reading!

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