Chapter 4

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I put everything away, happy with what I got done today, considering being in jail this morning. I decided to head down to meet Darius and Eber, it was early, but I didn't have much else to do. I made my way down before noticing a small animal stuck under some rubble. I looked closer, it was whimpering. I moved the rubble, startling the little thing. It was a navy blue fox, white around it's paws, face, and the tip of it's tail. The little fox looked to me, unsure of whether to trust me. I stuck my hand out, letting it sniff me. It got excited all of a sudden and licked my hand, jumping on my arm and climbing it, reaching my shoulder. It began to purr, making me smile as it nuzzled into me.

"Hello little fella, guess you're staying with me, huh?" I smiled wide, it was so comfy against my shoulder. Little guy looked like his paw was injured. I kept walking, eventually reaching the hideout. I decided to bandage it's paw. I set them down, they looked sad when I let go. I managed to find the first aid, and grabbed some bandages and some disinfectant. I got to work, wiping the cut and bandaging it, the little fox started to make a chirping sound, jumping in place.

"Hello song bird, being a vet today?" I jumped back, looking to see Darius behind me.
"You startled me! And for the love of Titan, stop calling me song bird!" I snapped, cracking a smile. The fox jumped on my shoulders, snarling at Darius. It started talking in my ear.
"Socks, Darius isn't trying-- wait, did you just... your name is Socks?" I stared at the little fox, flabbergasted by the fact that I just UNDERSTOOD a fox! They chirped a few more times, looking at me. Darius came beside me, studying what was happening.

"You... you were being chased by scouts? Why?" Socks jumped to me before turning into a staff, landing in my hands.
"A palisman... that's why the scouts were chasing it. Belos collects palisman" Darius sighed, taking the staff from me. It turned back into Socks as she barrelled across his shoulders back onto mine.

"Where is your owner, Socks" I asked, scratching her forehead. Another chirp. My face fell, looking to Darius and moving Socks to craddle in my arms.
"She doesn't have one, she's from a Palisman carvers shop in Latissa... The shop was raided by scouts and Socks managed to escape... poor girl" I frowned, letting Socks rest as I set her down on a pillow.
"I guess you have a palisman now, song bird" Darius smiled, patting my shoulder.

I never had a palisman before... my parents couldn't afford to get any wood for me to carve one of my own when I was a kid. When you live on the Knee, you have to buy the wood since it's not found there naturally. How do you even take care of one? I was pulled out of my thoughts by Eber jumping on my head and hanging her head down to make our eyes meet.

"Hi Eber!" I laughed, taking her and rubbing her stomach, making her purr and lick my face before running to the table, beckoning me to her. I followed, sitting down before Eda and Raine joined us. Owlbert flew over to Socks, talking to her before they both began snuggling on the pillow.

"Who's Palisman is that on the cushion?" Eda asked, not sure if she should call Owlbert away from them.
"I guess she's mine... I found her, she doesn't have an owner" I smiled, Eda laughed, making me wonder if she was laughing at the idea of me having a palisman.
"Oh man, from the look of her, shes from that carvesman in Latissa? Her cut marks are like his" she smiled, petting Socks, making her purr again.
"That's what she told me, poor things been through a lot if she made her way here from Latissa" I sighed, thinking of what could've happened to her before she ended up under that rubble.

"Anyways, we need to speak about the Day of Unity" Darius rolled his eyes at us, I guess Eda and I are the only ones with Palisman right now.

"We know that the spell is going to wipe out all witches on the isles. It will drain our magic, using us Coven Heads as beacons for the spell, or ingredients, I guess" 
"So how do we counter this? Any ideas?" I said after Raine, Eda ran her hands through her long hair, before I noticed the glimmer of the jem on her chest.

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now