Chapter 21

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"NO DON'T EAT THAT YOU'LL CHOKE ON IT" Hunter screamed before I heard Amari begin crying.
"Everything ok in there?" I called out before Hunter came out with Amari in his arms reaching back towards the bedroom.
"She tried eating a button that fell off her dress" He laughed as Amari then reached for me.
She began babbling as I took her from him.

"Give it to your dad, he'll fix it"
"What will I fix?" Darius walked into the room with a laundry basket. Hunter walked over, handing the button to him.

"That came off her dress, she tried eating it" He laughed as Darius came over, using magic to sew the button back on, Amari laughing and reaching for Darius.
"Sick of me already? Not like I spent 4 hours pushing you out of me" rolling my eyes, I let Darius take her, making her giggle as she reached for his hair. She loved abominations. 
6 months ago, she slept like a rock, now she just stays up all night.

I got off the couch, walking over and grabbing the laundry, walking into the nursery. I was still holding onto her newborn clothes, she was so tiny, now she's the size of a 12 month old, despite being half that age.

She adored music, my lullaby, and whenever Hunter played for her. She loved her dad's abomination hair, except at night. He has to get rid of it at night, or she gets scared because of that green eye thing. He doesn't mind, he always felt bad if he forgot and made her cry. She was also really into flying. Hunter would take her flying on Flapjack.

She's also obsessed with this human creature called a 'penguin'. Luz showed her a video and now she loves them.
I put her clothes away, before heading back to the living room.
"Hunter, rest is your's, you know the drill" I smiled, he groaned before coming and taking the basket.

I smiled and sat next to Darius, who was supervising Amari as she was on her stomach on a play matt. I leaned on his side, he returned the gesture, wrapping an arm around me.
"What would you say if I said I wanted another one?" He muttered, he smiled as Amari rolled onto her back, laughing and reaching at the toy dangling above her.

"I would say it's a tempting offer. Very, VERY tempting, but she's only 6 months old, you sure you wanna try for another now?"
"Well we aren't getting any younger" He kissed my cheek, he had a point. 
"later, I'll have to check my ovulation" I laughed before we heard Amari babbling.

"Mu... muma... mama" She tried sitting up, able to stay seated before falling back onto her back.
"She... she just said mama" Darius went and picked her up, tossing her in the air and catching her, she was laughing at him and began playing with his hair.

"She said mama?" Hunter burst through the door, looking at his sister before she looked to him, reaching for him and crying.
Hunter came and picked her up, she grabbed Flapjack from his shoulder and hugged him. Flapjack loved her.
"Untah!" She cried out, grabbing the tuft of hair sticking from Hunter's head and pulling it. Hunter gasped, holding her to him in a loving hug.

"So about that third kid" I smiled, looking to Darius who only smirked at me.

"Third kid? Seriously?" Hunter laughed at us.
"Don't you have flyer derby?" Darius gestured to Flapjack, making Hunter's face go sour and taking Amari to the door.
"Yeah yeah yeah, I'll take Amari" He waved us off before leaving. We laughed at him as we heard the door lock.

"So? Shall we?"
"On the couch?"
"I don't see why not"
"How about we don't fall off" I giggled as he swept me off my feet and carried me to bed. 

Hunter's POV:

She was falling asleep in my arms as I walked.
"Untah..." She closed her eyes, resting her head on my chest as I got outside, seeing everyone ready for practice.
"Awww! Hunter brought tiny Hunter!" Luz squealed, waking her back up. Willow came over, taking my spare hand and holding it. We've been dating for 6 months, it's been lovely.

"So I'm guessing we aren't practicing today? I thought we had to prepare for our game against Tank 17!" Viney exhaled, before also being entranced by my adorable sister.
"I guess we can just hang out today" Amity smiled before heading towards the man made lake near us.
"How about we swim?" She asked as we all joined her, using magic to change as I just used my staff, no magic. Amari was just looking around, her fist in her mouth as I just stood in the water with her. 

"So Luz, Eda and Lilith figure out the collector disk thing?" Skara swam towards Luz as Amity hung onto her back, floating.
"Not yet, with the lake drained again thanks to YN, we're having trouble with how we use the blood. Aunt Lilith hasn't been able to find anything to help. We're starting to think we need to go back to King's castle and check those murals again" She sighed, frowning as we all agreed with her. All the adults were busy with the whole search and rescue thing we're doing. 

I'm actually happy to think about having another sibling, I love Amari so much, I would kill every one in the room, then myself, if anyone ever hurt her. We watched all the palisman float across the water. Bingo, Emmiline, Ghost, Flapjack, Clover, and the other ones. It was always kind of funny to watch them float on the surface. It's just so weird, but entertaining. They're all waterproof so water just falls off of them. 

"So Hunter, Amari do anything fun recently?" Gus was floating on his back as he spoke, we all laughed as he bumped into me and flailed as he tried to stay above water again.
"She said Mama, and she's tried saying my same. But other than that she hasn't done much, she doesn't seem to have magic yet" Amari woke herself up again, grabbing my hair and trying to eat it.

"Maybe she's powerless, like you!"
"Yeah, babies usually show magical prowess when they're only a month old. I mean would it really be so bad if she was?" Viney and Amity both looked to me as I looked down at my sister.

"I mean... kind of? Life's been hard enough for me being powerless, I don't want to watch her go through the same kind of pain"
"But you can do bard magic, can't you?" Luz placed a hand on my shoulder, my face falling.
"Yeah, but there's still a lot of stigma there, not a lot of people even consider Bard as a kind of magic. I just really hope she's a late bloomer" Amari started babbling again, making all our hearts melt at her cuteness.

"When is she getting her palisman? Are you guys just going to carve an egg like I did?" Luz bounced in the water, making Amity let go of her.
"Yeah, that's what mom and dad are thinking. Worked for you and Bingo" I shrugged as everyone agreed.

"Hunter! Amari needs her nap!" Mom called from the tank entrance.
"Let me go give Amari to mom, then we can practice" I smiled, we all got out of the water as I headed to mom.

"Having fun?" 
"Mom, what would you do if Amari was powerless?"
"I'm not sure I would do anything, I mean she'll have a palisman, and she'll have you. We're not too worried about it" She shrugged, taking Amari from me as she began to dose off, before fussing and trying to slide mom's shirt down.

"Ok, Amari, you're hungry, I got it" Mom laughed, pulling her shirt up.
"Have fun with your friends, thanks for watching her" She kissed my head, ruffling up my hair before heading back inside. 
Then I realised Amari had Flapjack.

"Uh... hey Luz? Could I borrow Bingo? Amari took Flapjack!" I called out, Luz laughing and sending Bingo over to me.

Let's rock this.

Ok, so I'm running low on ideas, so updates are probably gonna slow down for a while. If you guys want to see other stuff I make, I have an Instagram, and a Tiktok. Same as my username here.
I've got some medical garbage to deal with at the moment, along with work. Gotta pay those bills somehow. I'm really happy you guys are enjoying the story. 
Means a lot.

Please let me know what you guys wanna see, it helps me a lot.

Love you guys!

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now