Chapter 34

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Raine's POV:

It's been 4 days, and now, our kids here. We named her Everley. She was healthy, and if what I just went through was ANYTHING like what YN went through, bless her soul, I don't know how she did it. I wussed out and just had Eda give me sleeping nettles.
So I slept through this process.

Along with Everly, Luz, and King, we also had Amari, Juno, and Adam with us.
Darius... oh man... whatever happened in that meeting room, it really affected him. We didn't here much, just muffled yelling as we just watched the closed door. When he came out, all he said was YN was gone, and that the kids would stay with Eda and I until further notice.

Darius has locked himself in his room, when people pass by, all they here is crashing, banging, and objects breaking. He's furious but won't tell anyone why. He took down a good portion of the forest around Bonesborough afterwards. Lilith went into the meeting room yesterday, only to find both of their wedding rings on the table.
Darius and YN couldn't have gotten divorced over this, right?
Sure the plan wasn't what we thought it would be, but it honestly is the best course of action. This way, no one gets trapped with the Collector.
Darius can't seem to accept this, going back to the way he was before he reunited with YN. He was the closed off, egotistical Coven Head again. I didn't like it.

Darius mellowed out with YN, she brought the best in him out.
Now he's broken, and sealed himself off again at the expense of his kids.
Hunter's been staying with Willow and her dads, since their rooms were at Darius' mercy.
We haven't seen Socks yet, I'm starting to worry that YN bit off more than she can chew.


I coughed, hacking up more black goop as my body ached.
"Oh come oooooonnnn. The sooner you finish the door, the sooner I'll get rid of your curse!"
"The curse wasn't necessary!" I yelled back, wiping my mouth.

He wasn't playing around, the moment I was settled, he had me start on the door. But to stop me from breaking our promise, he cursed me.
I had another bile sack infection, except this one was worse.
The black color was already up to my elbows, I was on a timer now. As if I wasn't before.
I had finally finished the frame, my hands shaking from how weak I felt. Next was the door, then the key. Soon enough, I'll send Socks out.

The Collector didn't know about Socks, she's been hiding in the room I've been staying in.
I've been upset, not knowing what Darius did after I disapeared.
I'm not even sure if he's still my husband... his actions weren't clear. He seemed to regret his words in the split second I saw of him before I left.

But I don't know.
Our relationship progressed so quickly, within the span of roughly 4 years, we had met, gotten married, and had 3 kids, plus Hunter.
Maybe it was too much for him, for me.
I held no regrets, but him...?
I'm not sure.

He was furious, but I can't say it's as justified as I first thought it was.
He hurt my wrist...

"Collector, I need to rest, I'll build the door soon" I sighed, he thought for a moment before the barrier around my work area disapeared, letting me go.
I walked back to my room, opening the door with a thud before collapsing on the bed. 
I miss the kids.
Juno, Adam, and Amari... I wonder how Hunter is handling this. His seperation anxiety must be through the roof.
I'm so sorry my baby... if I could tell you I'm ok, I would.

I started to drift off to sleep before I was pulled back into my work space and trapped again.

"I was thinking, the curse really ISN'T necessary! So! I'm gonna replace it" my eyes widened as he floated above me, laughing and blasting magic at me. I yelled out in pain, feeling my body light on fire before the black coloring on my arms disapeared, and was replaced with a royal blue color, covered in stars.

"Now here's the thing, I still gotta make sure you're gonna hold your end of the pinky swear! So now, every time you do something I don't like, or if you're just working to slow, I can do this!" He snapped his fingers, before the stars on my arms started sparking, and I began to scream out in pain again.
I was shaking uncontrollably as electricity shot through my body, bringing me to my knees and falling onto my arms.

"Oh man! This is fun! Now get back to work on the door! My patience is wearing thin" His sinister smile dispeared along with him, leaving me to look at the doorframe, shaking as my body regained control again.

He's fucking insane, and I'm stuck with him.
At least I can use magic again without puking. I created an abomination, shaping it into a door before fitting it to the frame, it was really rough, but it was just going to be a template. I don't think it matters how this thing looks, so I'm just making it look like a boring ass door.
He had Titan's blood, it was sitting on the table to my left, I wouldn't need it till the very end. I could infuse the door with it, but it won't work until I infuse the key with the blood as well. So I can finish the door, infuse it, hold onto the key, and get everyone here for the final showdown. Or what I hope will be the final showdown.

Now I wasn't good with construction magic, so that's kind of why the door frame alone had taken me 4 days to complete. But a rectangle made of wood should be fine, right?
I was starting to doze off, the exhaustion of only getting 3 hours of sleep here was getting to me.
Once my template was done, I began whistling as the wood behind me floated, cutting itself apart and lodging into the frame. 
I grabbed the screw driver, and began attaching the hinges, before the door just needed the doornob.

"Fucking door knobs..." I groaned, I hated carving it out by hand, but I just don't have the energy to use much more of my magic right now.
I traced the notches for the latch, before grabbing a chisel, and beginning to chip at the door. 

Another half hour, and I was putting in all the components, scratching the latch with a pencil before repeatedly slamming the door, leaving pencil marks on the door frame, telling me where to carve the actual door latch into the frame.
Content with my door slamming, I half-hazardly chiped and carved another whole, before screwing in the final piece of the door latch.
Now to put the knob in place.
Easy enough, place the pieces through the door, screw it in, easy, right?
Aparently not, because I fumbled and dropped the knob around 5 times before finally getting it.
I grabbed the vile of Titans blood, pouring a couple drops onto the door, causing it to glow and settle.
The door was done, but the key... I should do that.
Using abomination magic again, I made the key, solidifying it and placing it in my pocket.
I'm not finishing this until I'm rested up and ready to fight.

"Collector!" He appeared at my call, looking at me upside down with a smile.
"It's pretty much done, but I want to sleep"
"Hmmmm.... OK! How long?"
"12 hours, then I'll finish it, and you'll have your door..."
"Ok! The moment it successfully activates, you'll be free! And I'll have more people to play with! Only half a day!" He cheered, pumping his fists in the air before I was teleported back into my room, scrambling for a piece of paper and the pen I stuck in my pocket, before Socks came out from hiding under the blankets, and sitting with me on the ground as I scribbled out my note.

"The door is done, it'll activate in 12 hours, once that happens, I'll be free. Be here in 12 hours, bring everyone, and I mean EVERYONE. We need all hands on deck. I'm fine, but he's got a weird curse/spell thing on me to keep me in line. Be careful. Keep my kids safe, far from the action. 
Good luck guys, I'll see you soon.

P.S. Tell Hunter I'm ok.


I rolled it up, tying it with a loose thread from my shirt before handing it to Socks.
"Go, the sooner they get this, the better!" I smiled, helping her through the window before she began running off.

I got up, wrapping myself in the blankets before finally closing my eyes.
This is it. 


"HEY WAKE UP!" He screamed, making my eyes shoot open and gather  my surroundings, I was back in front of the door.
"It's been 12 hours dummy! Finish the door!" He cried, teleporting around, making me uneasy.
I grabbed the key from my pocket, grabbing the vile of blood, before hesitating.

"COME ON! I've waited thousands of years for this!" He egged me on as my hand shook.
They better be here.

I poured a drop of blood on the key, before just like last time, the key and door were engulfed in a blue light. Once it faded, the door and key were finished.
The key was a treble clef, and the door was a golden color, with music scores carved into the wood.

"YES! FINALLY! Now, as for our deal-"


They're here.

A trapper burst through the door.
"MR COLLECTOR! THEY'RE HERE!" He cried out, falling over after tripping over his feet.
"Who's here" he quizzed, flipping upside down, clearly unimpressed.
The trapper caught his breath before simply stating,
"All of the Boiling Isles"

I smiled, knowing this was it.
I was about to run out before I was pulled back, causing me to yell in surprise.

"Not so fast! You're not going ANYWHERE!"
"We had a deal!" I screamed, squirming in his hold.
Gold chains wrapped around me, squeezing me tight.

"You're right, we did, you finish the door, I let you go. But here's something interesting, Pinky Swears can be manipulated so long as someone crossed their fingers" He smirked, my eyes widened, realizing what he had done.
"I had a feeling you had an alterior motive, so until those witches back off, you're mine! You'll be great leverage" He chuckled, stringing the chains to the cieling. 
I was dangling from the cieling, wrapped in chains as the Collector smiled.
"Don't think of escaping! You remember what happens when you do something I don't like!" He mused, before twirling in the air and disapearing.

"NO! NO NO NO! LET ME DOWN FROM HERE! WE HAD A DEAL!" I screamed, despite knowing the castle was now empty.

What the fuck have I done?!

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now