Chapter 23

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Darius woke up with a start, looking to me as I sat there with my book. It was a book for abomination magic, I was trying to learn to use it since we have access to all magic now.
"You alright?"
"Yeah... weird dream" He sighed, relaxing before Amari started crying. I put a bookmark on the page before I got up, walking to her room and opening the door. She was standing in her crib, leaning on the bars as she looked at me with pleading eyes.

Why did looking at her make me sad lately? I haven't been feeling like myself. It's been over a year since the day of Unity, Amari turned 1 next month. Weird to think that a year ago, I was still pregnant with her. 
Darius and I had been trying for another, but haven't had any luck. Just last night I took a test, and another negative was added to the trash can. Amari was reaching for her palisman egg that was resting on her changing table, shit, I guess I forgot to give it to here when I put her to bed. 
I grabbed it, handing it to her as she laid back down, snuggling with it as I left and closed the door. I went to the kitchen, grabbing an apple and a knife, cutting it into slices before putting one in my mouth.

My vision felt staticy and grey as I looked at the knife. Without thinking, I found the knife earily close to my arm resting on the counter. The blade lightly pressed against the skin before-
"Mom? What are you doing?" Hunter snapped me back, I gained full conciousness again as I pulled the knife back, setting it on the counter before turning to him.

"Sorry! Lost in thought, did you want some apple slices? I... lost my appetite" I looked at the slices before Hunter came and grabbed a few, biting into one as he looked at me.
"Could I go for a fly with Willow?"
"It's the middle of the night"
"Uh... no? It's 7" He raised a brow, his face growing more worried.
"Oh... so it is" I glanced at the clock, laughing nervously.
"Sure! Go for it! Just be safe and have fun" I kissed his cheek before walking back into the bedroom without another word.
Darius was passed out again, so I decided to maybe try and sleep now.

Darius' POV:

I woke up, opening my eyes. It was 10am now. I looked over at my wife, she was passed out. Her eye bags had eye bags now. She hasn't been herself and I'm starting to worry about her. She seemed to resent Amari lately. She spent so little time with her, it was concerning. She loved Amari with all her heart, but right now she just seems like a walking husk, like YN wasn't really there.

Everyone has noticed it, Raine came to me concerned just yesterday. Raine and Eda have been taking Amari a lot more recently. YN would just drop her off to them and walk away without another word. Hunter, luckily, hasn't noticed. He's been so busy with Willow and his friends.

We had Luz and Amity go back to the trapper's island. They procured the other Moon disk, much to the anger of the trappers. We now had both of the disks, yet we still couldn't figure anything out, even with all the new photos of all the murals in King's castle. Lilith felt like a failure, and she dramatically renounced her title as the "Bad Girl Historian".
The dramatic tendancies of the bird tube have rubbed off on her more and more each day.

Speaking of the bird tube.
Amari loves the bird tube more than me right now, and I want to murder it.

"Dada! Dadaaaaa!!!" Amari cried through the monitor, YN remained asleep as I got up, walking out and noticing Hunter's door was also open, he must've gone out. He probably told YN when she was up a few hours ago. When I went in the nursery, Amari was bouncing on her toes as she spotted me and began laughing.

"Morning Starlight, you sleep good?"
"Dada mama sleep! Penny egg!" She cheered, holding her palisman egg to me. She named it Penny, adorable. I picked her up as she babbled about random things. She was talking a lot, she knows a lot. Still no magic to be seen. She's just a late bloomer, she does have a magic bile sac, so she's fine. 
"Mommy is sleeping right now, so let's let her rest ya little rascal" I tickled her tummy, making her laugh again.
She looked towards Hunter's door before pointing at it.
"Where Huntah?" She questioned, tears forming.

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now