Chapter 17

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Haha I lied, I didn't take a nap. 

We flew above the clouds, Eda's idea. We avoided the rain this way, and the humans couldn't really see us. I hadn't thought this through, I forgot my vitamins, and forgot to pack food. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. We kept flying, following the arrow as we went pretty fast. We don't really know how far we actually are. Eda said Luz lives somewhere called Connecticut, neither of us knew where 'Paris' was, but we were ready to fly for days if necessary. 

The sun was just beginning to rise here, so it's safe to assume this human world has a different flow of time. We left around noon, our time. We flew above as the clouds began to clear. We were above another city of some sort, this place was huge, Eda wasn't kidding. I felt Socks slow down, looking at her I could tell she was tired already. We have been flying for about 2 hours now.

"Eda! Can we land? Socks needs to rest"
"Sure! Owlbert looks ripe for a nap as well" She began to head for land, myself following suit. Once we landed I drew a spell circle and changed my clothes. I was back in my boots, pants, and that shirt I had on yesterday, except this one had longer sleeves since it was pretty cold. Eda reached into her own bag before taking out 2 scarves, handing one to me.

"Here, hide your ears" She wrapped her scarf around her ears before I tied my hair into a low pony tail, and then wearing the scarf as a headband.
"You really look like a mom right now" She snorted as we walked into the crowds. Our palisman napping in our bags. I smiled as I looked at how bright this place was, people running around, looking busy and a lot of people on these metal blocks in their hands.

"Luz said those are phones, they're the same as our scrolls, except theirs don't float" Eda was pointing out different things that Luz had taught her about. It was nice seeing Eda so imerced in this world. We came across a fruit stand, their fruit is so different.
"here, come with me, this place has human money we can take!" Eda grabbed my arm, pulling me along to a building, heading inside.

"Use your magic! It's easy!" She bounced up and down like a child as I drew a spell circle and touched the weird machine. It opened, revealing a bunch of paper. Eda grabbed a whole bunch, before handing some to me and leaving. That felt... odd, but also kind of exilerating.
Human Theft, weird.
Remind me to not let Eda teach Amari to steal.

We walked around again, this time I did go for some of the weird fruit, Eda following and picking up an Apple, something both our worlds have. I told her to grab me some as well, I was hungry, for obvious reasons.
"Oh how cute! How far along are you?" The vendor asked, pointing to me.
"Six months, how much for these?" I smiled, handing the bag of apples.
"For 10 apples, that will be 6 dollars, cash or debit?" I gave Eda a puzzled look before just handing the vendor one of the paper money.
"Ok, a 20! I'll get your change"
"Oh no, it's ok! Keep it!" I waved and walked away, Eda following me.

"Ok, so we're in a place called Louisiana. We'll eat, cast the spell again, and head out!" Eda picked up her pace, nearly losing me before I called out to her, making her turn to me and laugh.
"Sorry! Forgot you have a heavy load"
"ha ha, very funny Eda. I'd like you to try and do this" I kept walking, before realising Eda wasn't following. She was at another vendor.

She grabbed a large green ball thing, looking at my stomach before placing it down and grabbing another. She paid for it, running to me.
"This about your size?"
"What are you doing?"
"Tie this to my stomach! We'll see who does better!"
"'better'? Eda I've been-"
"Just tie it to me!" She shouted, making a bunch of humans look at us. We started laughing before we went into an Alley, I used magic to tie it to her stomach underneath her dress. She stood up proudly and began walking away, trying her best to walk normally before she nearly fell over.

A Bard and a Coven Head (Darius x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now