Chapter 4

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We spent most of the day preparing for the people who would be coming by with condolences. I went upstairs to change and checked my phone for the first time seeing texts from Sam and Arlene before I came across a text from Eric.

Good morning ástin mín, I hope you slept well. I will be there later tonight to see you. I have some things to take care of first, but then I will come.

It was short and to the point, but something told me this was out of character for him. I debated on replying before finally just saying screw it and began typing a message.

I did thank you for staying with me as long as you could and for calling Lafayette. I hope you have slept well too, see you tonight.

Unsure of what else to say I pushed send and stood smiling as I reread his text to me. I was so sucked in I didn't hear Lafayette come in after knocking and not getting a response. He leaned against the door watching me and I nearly jumped when he moves in front of me. "Jesus Christ Lafayette, you scared the hell out of me," I said before smacking him on the chest. He laughed before sitting on my bed, giving me a knowing look. "What?" I asked. He shook his head still smiling before pointing his finger at me. "The last time I saw that look was in high school. You had it bad for one of those dumb jocks that wouldn't give you a second glance," he said. I pushed some hair behind my ear giving him and fake innocent look. "I don't know what you mean," I said not meeting his eyes. "Uh huh," he replied, "I know the man seems cold, but he's got a soft spot for you." I waved him off and he walked with me out of my room.

I could hear the voices of people downstairs and knew most of the town would show up. "You ready for this?" He asked. I shook my head, but started down the stairs anyway with him right next to me. As I walked down I could see the house filled with people. Half of them were only here for the gossip rather than to show condolences, but I didn't care at this point. I could hear the whispers as I walked through the house, keeping my gaze on the floor. When I got to the kitchen I saw Sookie yelling at Mrs. Thortenberry. She stormed passed us with Tara on her heels. Lafayette and I followed and I walked in seeing her a sobbing mess. She had finally broke. We talked for a little while and once she relaxed we all went to go back downstairs and kick everyone out. Jason came stomping in the house and as soon as his eyes landed on me, he came straight for me. No one had time to react before my face jerked and burned. I fell from the force of it and knew my lip was split. Everyone went silent as Jason stood there staring at me and yelling how it was my fault. I didn't hear Tara yelling back and when Jason saw my state he knew how bad he messed up. I slowly got up and brushed everyone off as I went upstairs to my room. I decided to hell with it and got dressed for work before slipping out the door to my car before anyone could stop me.

As I drove the sun was starting to set and about half way to work it was fully dark. Out of no where someone stepped in the road and I slammed on my brakes. I gasped for air in my panic when I saw it was Eric. He sped over to the car and opened my door, then put the car in park. I didn't want him to see my face so I just looked down at my hands, making him sigh. I felt two cold fingers under my chin and he lifted my face so I would be face to face. When he saw the bruise that started forming and my split lip his eyes filled with rage. However, on the outside he remained calm knowing it would make it worse if he didn't. "What happened?" He asked quietly as he unbuckled me and turned me to face him. I shuddered as the shock that my brother had hit me wore off. "Jason came to the house. He was angry and blamed me for what happened with Grams," I saw Eric start to stand but grabbed his arm before he could speed off, "He's not right Eric, something is wrong with him because that wasn't my brother." Eric stopped before taking me out of the seat and putting me in the passenger seat.

He got in the driver's seat and sped off taking my hand in his as he drove. I didn't even question it. I didn't have to go to work, I just needed out of that house. I leaned over and laid my head in his shoulder, closing my eyes. The next thing I knew Eric was lifting me and carrying me in a back door of Fangtasia. When we got to his office he set me down and went to his desk. I fell asleep to the thumps of the bass from the music and when Eric noticed he placed a blanket over me. Pam walked in, looking at me before looking at Eric. "What happened to her?" She asked quietly knowing better than to wake me. Eric sighed before looking at me not fully understanding what was happening between us. "Her brother struck her," he said before looking to Pam who had a slight smirk on her face as she watched him. "What?" He asked turning back to his paperwork, "Had I not found her when I did she would be at work right now getting stares, glares, and whispers, none of which she deserves." Pam held back a chuckle making Eric snap his head up.

"You're falling in love with her," she said, but in a caring way. She had never seen her maker show care for anyone other than herself and Godric, but she knew all too well that look he had when ever he was near her. Eric stayed silent and Pam decided to leave him be and went out to tend to things in the club. Eric continued working on his paperwork while I slept. After several hours he saw me starting to twitch and heard the small whines I was letting out in my sleep. He stood and sped to turn out the lights before carefully laying with me. He held me and stroked my hair, while I snuggled into him. We stayed there until the club was closed up for the night and he carried me out, speeding to a house he owned one the outskirts of Shreveport. Pam came with us and held the door open so Eric could carry me in then sped off to where she would sleep for the day. Eric decided to leave me so he could go feed, but didn't stay gone long. I stirred as he climbed back in bed with me and rolled to face him. "Where did you go?" I asked still half asleep with my eyes closed. He stroked my hair and kissed my forehead smiling at my content face. "I had to feed and before you ask no I didn't kill them," he said and I relaxed back into him falling back to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning I could see shutters over the windows keeping the sun out and Eric still next to me on the bed, now sleeping for the day. I ran my fingers over his cheek and saw the smile form on his mouth, but remained sleeping. "I'm going to get up, but I won't leave wherever it is we are," I whispered, hoping he would still hear me in his sleep. I got up and found the bathroom, taking a quick shower before walking back in to the bedroom. I remembered I didn't have a change of clothes so I went to Eric's closet and grabbed a Tshirt. I found a pair of sweatpants and adjusted them so they wouldn't fall down before heading to go find the kitchen. I looked back before leaving the room and smiled at Eric's sleeping form. "No one will hurt you while I am here, I promise," I said knowing how special it was to be with him while he slept. I grabbed my phone and left the room, checking it as I made my way to where I thought the kitchen would be.

I had a ton of missed calls from Sookie, Lafayette, and Sam. I decided while I made myself breakfast to call Sookie first. Once I assured her I was fine and that I would be home later tonight, I sat down at the table and called Lafayette. "Hello," I heard him grumble out. I snickered as I finished my bite and he knew it was me. "Hooka you need to learn to answer your damn phone," he said and I could picture him sitting up straight on the couch wide awake now. "I know sorry, I went to go head into work, but Eric stopped me and I wound up crashing with him," I said and I could just picture the smirk on his face. "Oh yeah how was it? All you wanted and more?" He said in a playful tone. I choked on my coffee and hear Lafayette burst out laughing. "Lafayette stop it. It wasn't like that. He just looked after me that's all and I fell asleep," I said trying to fight the blush in my cheeks. Not that I would have minded, but Eric was always a gentlemen with me and never did anything I would be uncomfortable with. "Yeah, yeah, you coming to work tonight?" He asked and I told him yeah. I still needed the money and I'd been off for a few days now. It was time to pull myself up by the bootstraps and get back to the real world.

We hung up and after washing my dishes I wandered the house until I found a big TV. I sat down and decided to watch some movies until I had to get ready for work. When I did start getting ready and got to my makeup (I found some in the bathroom) I finally looked at my face. My cheek was purple and blue with a bruise and my lip was a little bruised too. Luckily I had all I needed and by the time I was done, you would only see the bruise if you looked close enough. I walked back to the bedroom and leaned down next to Eric's ear. "I have to go to work, but I hope I will see you tonight, thank you for last night," I whispered before placing a soft kiss on his cheek. I saw his smile again and headed out to my car where I found the gps stuff had already been entered and I just had to activate it. It was a long drive in, but I still made it to work with time to spare. I forced myself to get out and keep a stoic look on my face as I headed in. When I got to the office I saw Sam, but ignored him and walked with my head held high up to the bar. Lafayette gave me a look as I passed him, but otherwise stayed quiet. Arlene looked at me sadly, but kept her mouth shut, knowing I wouldn't be in the mood for it. I refused to let anyone get to me today and pushed the thoughts of what Jason had said to me away. Sookie arrived soon after, but one point from Lafayette's spatula, told her to leave me be and let me work. As I worked I thought about Eric all night, slowly coming out of denial about one simple truth. I was falling head over heels for the vampire I had stayed the night with and the thought left me blushing and smiling like a school girl.

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