Chapter 12

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It had been several days and I was still unconscious after the fight with Thanos. In Tony's frustration he forced the hospital to release me into his and Bruce's care at the compound. Now they stood in my room with Eric, Sookie, Bill, Jason, Tara, Lafayette, and the team. Godric was also there in the corner of the room as always just watching me with a smile. When the emotions began to run high in frustration, Godric stepped up making everyone go silent and watchful. He sat down in a chair next to my bed and took my hand in his, sighing gently. "There is nothing more we can do, her body has been healed. Now she must heal her spirit," he said giving my hand a gentle squeeze. He smiled when he felt me squeezing back.

In my mind, I suppose, I was walking in that same lake I saw on Vormir, wearing a green and gold Asgardian style dress. I was surrounded by fog, but I somehow felt at peace. I looked around trying to figure out where I was when I noticed figures walking towards me. I knew before they became visible who it was. "Hello child," grams said smiling at me. Natasha stood next to her with a warm smile on her face. Tears fell as I ran and jumped into her arms. She swayed with me as she held me, quietly shushing me to calm me. I looked over at Natasha, before jumping into her arms next. "It's alright," she said hugging me tight. Gran took my hand after a minute making me look at her. "Now it's time to go home, it's not your time yet young lady," she said smiling still. "How do I live without you," I said more than asked. Nat put a hand on my shoulder before making me lean down so she could place a kiss on my forehead.

A bright light filled my view, then blackness. Soon I could hear faint voices around me and felt a hand on mine. It seemed to take everything in me to peel my heavy eyelids back. The light was blinding at first but as my eyes adjusted I could start to make out faces. I looked to see Godric sitting next to me and in complete silence he worked to remove the tube from my throat, with my aid. No one had noticed and I could tell they were arguing over options and things they could try. I looked at Godric who was shaking his head before chuckling, "Man how's a princess supposed to get her beauty sleep with you loudmouths going on and on." I chuckled with Godric as everyone froze and went silent. Eric was the first to move, vamp speeding over to me and placing a hand on my cheek. He simply looked at me searching my eyes and before anyone else could speak, I pulled him to me and kissed him deeply. I pulled back just a little and whispered for only him to hear, "You're still in trouble." He chuckled a little before brushing the hair back from my face as he looked down at me. "And I will spend eternity making up for it as long as you are by my side ástin mín," he said placing his forehead on mine. Everyone took a few minutes to hug me and scold me, then praise me for pulling through. Once everyone had left I was laid in bed with Eric. Steve had taken Godric to a room to sleep in and Tony sealed the room off for the day. I lay facing Eric and it all finally hit me. I broke down sobbing into Eric's chest for hours, long after he had fallen asleep for the day. Eventually I fell asleep peacefully carefully wrapped in his arms.

It took a few days to recover, but once I had I was back in my old room. It was the evening before we were supposed to travel home and by now word had traveled of our fight with Thanos and being able to bring everyone back. People were praising and thanking us. It infuriated me that Natasha was merely a mention in the whole thing. Even now when she sacrificed her life they still wouldn't give her the respect she deserved all because of who she was before. Tony came in excitedly with pepper before pointing at me, "You come with me." I had to sprint after him to follow. We all followed him as I finally realized we were going to the roof. Once we were all up there we watched Tony staring down at the city. He could picture all the families that were made whole and reunited. "Tony, what's going on?" I asked confused as I stood held in Eric's arms. He looked back at me and just smiled. "Friday you ready?" He asked not taking his eyes off me. Friday gave him the affirmative and Tony held up something in his hands wearing his signature smirk on his face.

"We apologize for interrupting your regularly scheduled programs, however the avengers have a bit of an announcement. Over the past couple of days you have heard reports of what had transpired in light of everyone being brought back. You have heard us being hailed the heroes of the world yet again for beating Thanos and bringing everyone back. While we as a team did play a part those reports are inaccurate and we wish to set the record straight," I stayed quiet watching stunned as Tony continued, "There is one person and one person only solely responsible for this. She has been overlooked or talked down to, treated with suspicion and fear. And yet she was the one willing to sacrifice her life for everyone else. Natasha Romanoff saved the world, without her we would never have been able to bring everyone back nor had the drive to finish Thanos. I ask you all now to look to the sky and take a moment to say thank you to the woman who saved us all, including us the avengers."

I looked up and could see several iron man suits taking formation in the sky. As their projectors kicked on I could see a giant image begin to form over the city for all to see. Natasha's stern face shone down with the words Greatest Avenger underneath. I ran to Tony and hugged him tight so grateful to him. "Thank you," I whispered and he hugged me tighter in acknowledgement. People stepped out on to their balconies, to the streets, and even to the roofs all showing some form or another of thanks to the woman who had reunited so many back together. Eventually we all went back in and sat for hours sharing our different stories and memories of Natasha before all heading to bed, awaiting to see what normalcy we would find now in this new world. The next day me, and my bon temps family boarded a plane and began to make the journey home. We all seemed to fall back into routines. I still hadn't returned to work and barely left the house not ready to face the people of this town, who now knew exactly who I was. When I did finally decide to it was as if someone sent a memo to the whole town to leave me be.

Things seemed to finally be on and while I knew there would still be obstacles to come our way, whether it was threats from other galaxies or universes, or obstacles of the supernatural kind, I would live my life with Eric by my side and for my sister. I would continue to fight for those who can't for themselves and I would protect the innocent from those who would harm them. Eric's arms wrapped around me as I stood staring out into the night sky from the porch, feeling the cool night breeze kiss my skin. I turned to him and kissed him deeply treasuring each moment I could feel his touch and smell his scent. Savoring the taste of his lips on mine. I would do this for her.


To Natasha Romanoff, the greatest avenger of all time and Savior to mankind.

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