Chapter 5

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I ignored the looks and whispers as I worked, not even listening to Sam when he tried to talk to me. Lafayette brought me some food on my break and I sat at a booth in the corner. I pulled out my phone and almost as if he knew, Eric's name was flashing across the screen. We talked while on my break and he promised to meet me at the car when my shift was done. Once I was done I quickly took my plate away and went back behind the bar. Several hours passed and I had made it through the night without much happening. My phone started buzzing and I saw a name I had never wanted to see again. Sam noticed my face pale as I quickly shut the phone off and put a hand on my shoulder. "You alright?" He asked gently. I nodded and went back to cleaning the bar. My phone started buzzing again and I saw his name flash again. I huffed as I finally just shut my phone off. If he couldn't take a hint I would ignore it and change my number again.

Eric came into the bar then, but before he could say anything I froze with a look of rage on my face at the next person who walked in. Eric turned to see a large muscular man with blond hair standing in the doorway. He stared at me with a look of guilt all over his face. He had changed in the years that I hadn't seen him. He walked over to the bar and tried giving me a small smile. "Get out," I said coldly crossing my arms over my chest. His smile dropped in an instant and he sighed. "Look I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important," he said trying to put on an Aurora of authority. I scoffed and smirked at the attempt. "Oh no clearly you haven't wanted to be anywhere around me, tell me, did she finally show her true colors," I said making him flinch a little. I shook my head and went back to cleaning the bar then turned to take dirty dishes to the kitchen.  The man stopped me by grabbing my arm, making Eric speed to my side. "Remove your hand before I do it for you," Eric said flashing his fangs. Steve gave him a confused then a disgusted look to me. "Really Selene," he said almost as if he was disappointed in me. Eric's phone rang but he refused to move. "Eric answer your phone, I got this," I said putting my hand on his arm. He looked at me, his face softening, before he turned away to take the call. "As for you, I really don't think you get the privilege of lecturing me about the company I keep," I said, "Or should we go talk to Sharon. I think her and I could have some catching up to do don't you think Steve."

He dropped my arm before looking down at the ground guilty again, now not able to meet my eyes. Sam, Lafayette, and Sookie along with the patrons all stared as we continued our conversation. "Look it's about Bucky," Steve started. I held up my hand. "Not my problem anymore, you made sure of that the day you left," I said not giving him a chance to finish. "Dammit Sel would you for once listen to me," he said raising his voice. "Oooo language Cap, wouldn't want the fans to think you weren't such a saint would we, and quite frankly that's all I've done is listened to you. I stood by your side for years through everything, even when you were the one who wanted me locked in a cage. I lost the man I looked at as a father because I believed in you and what did you do. You threw me away for some blond bimbo who gave your ego a boost and then tried to help kidnap me and take me back to the ones who did unspeakable shit to me and took the one thing we had wanted the most," I froze realizing what I just said not thinking about it before it spilled from me. "What are you talking about?" Steve said, but I huffed and went to turn away. "Just leave Steve, whatever trouble you guys got yourself into, you need to figure it out. I finally have my life back and I'm not letting you fuck that up," I said trying to pull away. His strength held me in place and he spun me back around. "No what the hell did you mean, what did they take," he said now getting frustrated.

Sookie moved up next to me, but when she touched me she let out a gasp. "Damn it Sook, stay out of my head," I whisper yelled, "and you keep your mouth shut." She nodded and I saw her face go angry when she looked at Steve. "You will unhand my sister sir or I will be more than happy to allow Mr. Northman to do it for you this time," she said in almost a snarl. Eric had moved back over to us and Steve glanced at him before turning back to me. "Look I don't know what happened and I get I don't have the right to ask about it now, but they have him Sel, they took him," Steve said and I felt my heart stop. He let go when he saw my reaction and everyone else noticed something was wrong. I rushed to the bar and grabbed my keys tossing them to Eric. "How long since they took him," I said not saying anything to anyone else. "A few days ago," Steve said. I muttered a dammit before following him out the door. Sookie and Eric were hot on my tale. "This is it, I will not help you again do you understand me and to be clear I'm not doing this for you, I. Doing it for him," I said as we got in his car. Eric stopped me from closing the door and pulled me back out. I sighed knowing I didn't have time to explain. "Where are you going?" He asked looking at me worriedly. I smiled up at him seeing the care he had in his eyes. "I will explain when I get back, but know I wouldn't be going if this weren't a big deal," I said placing a hand on his cheek. He nodded before placing his forehead against mine. "I need you to promise me something though," I said holding back the tears that wanted to fall. He looked at me feeling my anxiety not liking where this was going. "No matter what you feel, you can't come after me. Where I'm going, I can't let them get you. No matter what Eric you have to stay here, look after Sookie for me," I said and he nodded but I could see his eyes giving him away. Before I could think twice I crashed my lips to his and kissed him deeply and passionately. I pulled back and quickly got into the car telling Steve to go. Eric leaned down before he pulled off though looking at Steve. "I don't care what happened between you two, but you had better keep her safe or I will hold you personally responsible," he said the threat subtly there behind what he said. Steve nodded before pulling off.

I watched him disappear in the side mirror as we drove away, a single tear falling down my face. I knew he would feel my fear, but I couldn't hide it. "You love him," Steve said almost sadly. I wiped the tears away and didn't say a word. "He loves you too, I can see that," Steve said this time making me look at him. Steve handed me the files he had about where Bucky was being held. I read over the files as Steve drove well into the morning when I eventually fell asleep. In my dreams it was almost as if Eric were there to keep my grounded. Steve watched me as I smiled in my sleep and whispered Eric's name, regretting deeply what he had done to me. He woke me later in the day to board a flight as we headed to Sokovia. I decided to sleep some more on the flight knowing I would need all my strength for this. When I woke Steve was gently shaking me, telling me we had landed. We made our way to a hotel where we would wait for Wilson and Nat to meet up with us as they were going to be helping us rescue Buck.

I went to my own room and began reading over the files again after showering and changing into my suit. I fell asleep into blissful dreams of Eric again making promises that I would come back to him always. I was startled awake by knocks on my door and when I opened it I smiled at the sight of Nat. "Thought we could hang before we go rescue tin can," she said smirking. I let her in and we sat for hours catching up and me telling her about Bon Temp. She told me about how her and Yelena finally took down Dreykov once and for all. We soon left for the mission that I hoped would go smoothly for once. I took a deep breath and nodded to Nat as we began our assault on the Hydra base.

*Authors note*
Sorry this one's shorter than normal. I've been sick the last week so it's been a struggle. How's this for a plot twist. Hope you guys are liking it so far and are enjoying it. Feel free to vote and comment what ya think. Be kind trust me I know this chapter isn't my best and I may end up rewriting it, but if ya guys like it let me know and I will leave it.

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