Chapter 7

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Days had passed. At some point I had turned off my cell. Sookie's incessant calling was driving me nuts. As much as I loved Bucky and Eric they were both driving me nuts. I was laying with Eric in the living room watching a movie one night when he got a call. He looked at his phone and out of the corner of my eye I could see him tense up as he began whispering in Norwegian. I tried to focus in my hearing but I couldn't hear the quiet whispers clearly. Eric soon comes back in sighing in frustration. I sat up and turned to him with a worried look on his face. "Eric, what's wrong?" I asked him turning off the movie. Bucky hears my worried voice and comes in looking between us.

Eric stands before beginning to pace with his hands in his pockets. "It appears, my maker Godric, has been kidnapped by the fellowship of the sun," he says slowly dropping his head. I can feel him being conflicted inside and I couldn't bare it. "What do you need?" I asked as I knelt down in front of him. "To do this right I need proof, but more than anything I need to find him," Eric said, still not able to look at me. I looked to Bucky and he crossed his arms sighing, before nodding to me in agreement. I turned back to Eric and lifted his face parallel to mine. "Looks like you'll get to see me in action," I said smirking and chuckling as Bucky muttered in annoyance. "I'll make the call," he said as he pulled out his phone and dialed a number.

Just before dawn we were boarding a plane with Eric, Pam, and Bill's coffins beneath our seats. I fell asleep at some point in the flight to Texas and was gently woken by Bucky when we landed close to sun down. The moment my foot hit the ground, my entire body froze. Bucky turned confused when he noticed the change in my pulse. He helped me steady myself and made me look at him. "What is it?" He asked worriedly, knowing my instincts were always spot on. "Something isn't right," I said as I watched the sun slowly set. I noticed an anxious man walking towards us in a rush. I shrunk back and Bucky instantly zeroed in on the guy. "No one's gonna take you doll, I got you," he said in a quiet whispers as he pulled me to him.

I let Bucky do the talking as I tried to concentrate on calming myself. Suddenly the guy lunged at Bucky and I yelled not knowing my eyes were changing. The man froze as Bucky watched me cautiously. "Doll, calm down ok," he said gently, taking me hand. I looked down and saw the sparks of energy shooting around our hands. I closed my eye which were now glowing in a mixture of green and purple. I took deep breaths while Bucky dealt with the guy who we now learned was the driver. I heard a bang and felt a gush of wind, followed by cool hands on my face. "Are you alright?" Eric asked me quietly and I nodded as I took a deep breath smelling the scent of mint and vanilla. I felt the familiar wave of calmness and I smiled contentedly just as Sam landed in front of us. "ok that's just weird," he said watching me and Eric confused. Bucky smiled as Pam and Bill also watched with stoic faces.

I spun around and ran to Sam. "Birdbrain!" I yelled at I jumped at him. "Hey kid," he said laughing. I heard a growl and felt Sam flinch before spinning around to see Eric standing there. "roe ned min kjære," (calm down my love) I said using his mother tongue. His eyes seemed to darken as a low quiet growl seemed to emanate from his chest. He strolled past me to the car, opening the door for me. "Careful ástin mín," he said as he holds out his hand. I take it and he helps me in before following behind me. Bill and Pam got in the front and drove us all to the hotel. The whole ride there I laid with my head on Eric's shoulder, finally feeling relaxed enough to close my eyes. Everyone watched us interact without thinking and stared in disbelief. The more time we had spent together the more our movements around each other seemed to sync and mesh together almost perfectly like puzzle pieces. In the quiet I could faintly hear Eric humming the song I remembered from my dreams and smiled as I began humming with him. The last thing I remember was the sound of us singing it word by word in perfect harmony.

I didn't wake even as Eric carried me to the suite we would share. Bucky would be next door in an adjoining room with Sam and Steve. Nat would be joining us later. When I did wake I was next to Eric in a pitch black room on a bed. I could tell he was sleeping so it had to be the next day. I made my way to the bathroom where I found my bag and changed into some jeans and a modest top

 I made my way to the bathroom where I found my bag and changed into some jeans and a modest top

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I placed a kiss on Eric's cheek before finding the note that told me where Bucky was. I made my way to his room where I knew I would have to face Steve, yet the normal feelings of hurt and betrayal were not what I was feeling now. As I knocked on the door I decided to ponder it later and waited for someone to open the door. Bucky smiled when he saw me and let me in to join him and the others for breakfast. Steve watched me as I completely ignored him and could sense a change in me.

Before we knew it the sun was going down and Eric strode into the room followed by Pam and another vampire I hadn't met before. The human looked familiar though but my mind couldn't place him. He showed a surprised look for a brief second before returning to a stoic face. Eric could sense my suspicion and glanced a look to see who I was focused on. In the brief time we had known each other he had figured out my innate ability to sense what wasn't right and I was never wrong. We discussed a an with who I later learned was Isabella. She helped Godric, who was sheriff of the area, govern the area. With much protesting from Eric it was finally decided that those of us that were human would try to infiltrate the church to see if they had the whereabouts of Godric. Isabella has said the fots hadn't taken responsibility yet, but there was a lot of underground movement going on.

It was now the next day and I was making my way with Bucky up to the church. Sam and Steve were listening in through hidden coms. They would be the backup if something happened. We managed to get the leaders attention and he was giving us a tour as we came closer to the basement. A memory suddenly flashes and I remember where I had seen the human who was with Isabella. "Bucky run!" I screamed as I charged at the bulky guy who had joined us. Suddenly men were on us and I was knocked out, only hearing Bucky scream as I blacked out.

------------------Authors Note-------------------
Sorry again for a shorter chapter and sorry for the wait. I didn't want to rush and put out a crappy chapter and I have a few days off now so I'm going to work on a chapter to put out in the next couple days. Thanks so much for the reads and votes they really mean a lot. ❤️🤗

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