Chapter 9

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Several days had passed and we were all back in Bon Temp. Bucky had returned back to the compound and Eric and I had found a house close to Sookie where we would stay, with Godric there too. My dreams hadn't improved since the incident at fots church, but Eric learned to calm me the way Bucky and Nat could. Things were still a little ramped up in Bon Temp, once it was discovered who it was that had killed gran and the other women in town.

I was working the bar when my phone started blowing up. I looked down to see Sookie's face on the screen and quickly answered it. "Hey Sook, I'm at work, what's up?" I asked as I got a beer for a customer. "You better not have known or I swear to God," she said angrily. Sam walked up and took over when he saw my face. "What are you talking about Sookie?" I asked confused. I covered my free ear so I could hear her better and started walking back towards the office. "She don't know hooka," I heard Lafayette in the background and slowly I began to make our other noises in the background. "Where are you?" I asked sternly. Lafayette has been missing for awhile now and I was beginning to piece together where he was. Eric had been abnormally stand offish the last couple of days and now I was beginning to understand why. "Fantasia, in the basement," she said and I could hear Lafayette yelling in the background but as my blood began to boil I turned everything out. "I'm on my way," I said hanging up my phone and storming out to leave. Sam yelled for me but the moment I was outside I used my power to shoot myself in the air towards the club.

As I got closer my anger grew and I knew what I was about to find was going to be bad. I would hold myself together though. I swore I heard someone calling my name on it I ignored it and kept going. As I came into view of the club I sped towards the ground, a slam echoing out as I landed. My power swirled around me and I could only hear the pounding of my heart. I pushed everyone out of my way and the doors flew open from the force. Everyone including Eric stood stunned at the sight of me. The only one who seemed unsurprised was Godric. I stomped my way to the basement and practically floated down the stairs. I barely heard Sookie as I took in the sight of Lafayette. He was chained by the neck and was covered in dirt and grime. He had a healing gunshot wound to his leg and was visibly shaking in fear. I slowly made my way over to him and gently put a hand on him. "Lafayette," I said making him look and we both had tears in our eyes. He saw the magic swirling in green and purple around me and watched as I broke the chain with it.

Slowly and carefully I lifted us in the air and we made our way up and out. Everyone staring and too stunned to speak. I ignored Eric and Pam as we left the building and she. We were outside I hugged Lafayette to me. "Let's go home," I said and I started flying us to his house. Once there I carefully carried him in and set him gently on his couch. I shut and locked the door just in time for Eric to get there. He started knocking on the door, but I ignored him and the ever growing ache I now began to feel in my chest. I grabbed a first aid kit and began cleaning Lafayette's injuries, all the while ignoring the tells from Eric. Lafayette stared at him almost in a trance. I took out my phone and dialed a number without thinking. "Hey kid, everything alright?" I heard the other person ask. The worry was clear and I had to fight back tears. "uh yeah listen, I wanna come home," I said in as calm a voice as I could muster. A loud bang sounded out, making me flinch and Lafayette fell to the floor next to me scared. "What was that? Are you okay!? Where are you?" The person asked frantically.  "I'm fine, can I come to the cabin, maybe bring a friend?" I asked looking to Lafayette. "Of course how long till you get here?" The person said and I smiled. I quickly finished the conversation brushing away the tears that had betrayed me as I hung up the phone. I got up and grabbed the emergency bags I had packed years ago and left there at Lafayette's.

I got Lafayette to lay back on the couch and I laid down with him still ignoring Eric's pleas. It nearly broke me, but I managed to make it to sun up without opening the door. Once it was clear me and Lafayette got into his car and I called Sookie and explained what I was doing. She was upset but seemed to understand, making me promise to stay in touch. I sped down the highway following the directions I had been sent and didn't stop except for gas. Just as the sun was setting we pulled up to our destination. There standing at the porch was the man I called father with a worried look on his face. His worry deepened as he watched me carefully get Lafayette out of the car. He recognized the look on his face and knew something bad had happened. It was the same look I had when he first rescued me from Hydra. I smiled gently at both him and Lafayette as we reached the porch. "Lafayette, this is Tony, the man I told you about," I said introducing them. Tony put on a smile, but didn't move, knowing Lafayette would be afraid of him for now. I was suddenly tackled as a small form flew at me. "Sissy," Morgan yelled, startling both me and Lafayette. I smiled and gave Lafayette a reassuring look as I hugged Morgan tightly. "Hey sugar plum," I said calling her my special nickname for her. Pepper joined us all and took in the sight before moving back inside saying she would set up the guest room.

We all made our way in and pepper took Morgan to play so we could get settled in before dinner. As soon as Lafayette's head hit the pillow he fell asleep so I snuck out with Tony into the hallway. I quickly explained what happened and Tony quickly grabbed me as all my pain finally hit. I sobbed quietly into his chest as he held me and it nearly broke him seeing me like this again. "It's gonna be ok hunny, I got you," he said quietly. Pepper saw us and rushed over to join in on the hugging. Tony told her he'd explain later as they both calmed me. Luckily Morgan was in bed by now so she didn't see me. I was finally breathing normal and nearly asleep when Tony picked me up. He knew I would want to be with Lafayette and carefully placed me next to him. I was asleep before I hit the bed and the disturbance in the bed made Lafayette look at me. He looked at me sadly before speaking as he brushed the hair from my face. "She too good for this world ya know," he said still watching me. Tony looked down at me before placing a kiss on my forehead. "I know," he said as he slowly walked from the room.

We fell into a routine with Tony, pepper, and Morgan and soon the nightmares Lafayette were less and less. Eric had been calling me non stop. I took to calling the burner phone I gave Tara for safekeeping to check in with Sookie. Apparently Pam was running things and Eric and Godric had gone looking for me. She made it clear no one had told him anything and wouldn't unless I said to. I didn't know what I wanted, but I knew what he had done was bad enough I had to get away from him. Lafayette told me about him selling V and I smacked the hell out of him for selling to Jason. More days passed and then one day we got a visitor. Steve, Nat, and Scott all got out of a car and made there way to us. Little did I know that my reunion with Eric and the others would come sooner that I was ready for. First we would learn all about the time heist as Scott called it and be told that there might be a way to bring them all back. Lafayette just sat looking confused as me and Tony started ranting. Tony ended up taking the data Nat brought and going inside after Morgan came out to save him. I just stood there not believing what I was hearing. I walked back in shaking my head and choosing to stay quiet. It was as if what had happened recently was slowly chipping away at who I was.

Lafayette watched me sadly half listening to Steve and Nat argue. Finally when Lafayette had enough he signaled for them to shut up. "Ya know, that girl has been through hell her whole life and not once in everything she has been through have I ever seen her lose hope, but she's different now, the betrayal she feels all because of my own dumbass, it's breaking her and I fear for any who cross her path then, she got a lot of built up rage she been hiding for decades so my advice pretty boy, if y'all pull this off and ya really wanna end this dude, let her loose, nothing can beat her," he said smiling knowingly. Scott looked confused, "Nothing." Lafayette's face dropped a little as he thought back to me and Eric and how I lit up around him. "well maybe one thing," he replied as he walked back inside with us. Steve and Nat watched shocked as I let Lafayette hug me tightly before helping pepper with dinner. They had never seen me let someone touch me without flinching other than tony and Bucky. Steve looked to Nat and they realized how much they didn't know now about me because of everything that had happened. I looked back at nat and gave her a smile as she got in the car with Steve and Scott before they pulled off.

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