Chapter 8

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When I came to I was gaged and hanging by my wrists in chains. I drowsily looked around and saw Bucky's metal arm in a vice. There was a vampire looking up at me curiously and I figured it had to be Godric. Godric moved back as we started hearing sounds coming from upstairs. The human who I had known was Isabella's human, walked down with a smirk. He was joined by some people and one familiar face. Bucky began to stir and his eyes went wide as he turned to look at me. He tried to break free, but the bulky man from earlier hit him hard enough to daze him. Godric walked to him and checked to make sure he was ok, before turning to see Zemo pulling a little red book out. My eyes went wide and Godric looked to me worriedly when he heard my heart almost seem to stop. My face paled and Zemo smirked as he searched for the page. Godric noticed me struggling to get the gag from my mouth and decided to help me remove it.

"James, you have to remember the promise. You have to keep it please," I said grabbing his attention. He tried to shake his head, but I simply smiled as a tear fell down my face. "You have to Jamie, you're the only one who can," Zemo chuckled as he finally found his page and began to read the words. With each word, the familiar ache in my mind grew stronger. Flashbacks of what had happened to me, came flooding like a wave. Without even realizing, I screamed something so primal it shook everyone to their core. Tears came pouring out of both me and Bucky's eyes, wishing we could stop this all once and for all. When Zemo was finished I realized it hadn't worked and I began laughing in relief. Zemo stared stunned at me, realizing the power they once had was now gone. A loud bang sounded above us and all our heads shot up to stare at the ceiling. A smile filled my face as I slowly looked to Zemo. "ты пиздец сейчас," (you're fucked now) I said coldly just before Eric came barging in and knocking them all to the ground. He first went to Godric, but when his eyes finally saw me, he was instantly by my side. He quickly freed me then Bucky who ran to me sobbing. 

I whispered comforts to him before looking angrily up. I made Bucky look up at me and wiped his tears away. "How about we go remind them, I think they've forgotten," I grabbed the bag I told Eric to bring and began pulling out my old suit. It looked similar to the suit Hydra had made me wear, but this time improved and personalized to reflect who I was now. Bucky grabbed his and quickly moved to help me.

Once we were ready Eric and Godric both moved up to us

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Once we were ready Eric and Godric both moved up to us. "What is it you're going to remind them child?" Godric asked watchung us curiously. I relaxed before allowing my power to show. My body was suddenly enveloped by a green energy. Bucky looked to me sadly before place his mask over his face. "Of who we are," I said coldly. Before anyone could stop us we had sped out of the room. The others ran to catch up but when they found us they were left stunned. We were in the inner sanctum of the church and surrounded by the fots members. My brother Jason saw me and saw what we had done to the Hydra soldiers. I had Zemo held in the air with my power and Bucky trying to calm me down. Some of the vampires in the area were there now watching stunned at what I was doing. Eric without thinking, made his way slowly to me. Bucky try to signal to him to move back, but Eric simply ignored him.

"Ástin mín," he said gently as he took the hand at my side. He knew I would never forgive myself no matter how justified I was, if I crossed the line. "Dette er ikke veien," ( this is not the way) he said with more care in voice that none of them had heard. I looked to him with tears starting to fall and I slowly released Zemo as I floated down. Before I could let the mask fall, we had to get out of there and Zemo had to be dealt with. I put the stone cold look back on my face before turning back to Zemo and the fots members. Before the leader of fots could say anything I was already on my phone. "Coulson, I believe you are missing a got it," I said not taking my eyes from the people in front of me. "30 minutes out, let's round 'em up," I said to Bucky and he helped me as we put bothe zemo and the leader of fots in handcuffs before dragging them out to the front where now there were cars everywhere.

I saw coulson as I walked the protesting fots leader out. Eric watched as Bucky and I spoke to the man who then took all into to custody who had anything to do with this. Minus Jason of course. Once I walked back to Eric I was wrapped into his arms. I closed my eyes and felt my power and emotions all seem to calm. "Let's go please," I nearly begged in a whisper. I felt him kiss the top of my head as he picked me up and carried me to a car waiting. Everyone watched in awe except for Coulson. He wore a knowing smile. No one else had noticed, but he swore at the edge of the green energy that seemed to swirl around me, there had been a slight change to purple. Bucky rode with all of us and we silently made the drive back to the hotel. All of us ready to forget what had happened.

I woke the next night wrapped tightly in Eric's arms and hearing him humming. I smiled and sighed contentedly wrapping my own arms tighter. We laid there like that until it was time to join the others in the gathering. I stayed near Isabella and Pam most of the time. Not really keen on mingling with vampires I didn't know. I noticed a man had slipped in and pushed Jason away as he made his way to the center of the room. Something told me something was wrong and I made my way closer. Eric and Godric noticed me along with Bucky. Steve, who had joined Bucky so they could go back to the compound together, was the first to react though. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as the man yelled out before ripping open his jacket. I had no time to throw up a shield and realized I was about to die. I started to throw out a shield behind me and quickly blocked the vampires from harm.

I closed my eyes as I braced for the pain, but when I looked up I saw Steve in front of me, using his shield to protect us. He looked down at me and I saw something I had never seen from him before. As the heat of the blast billowed around us I saw eyes flash to behind me. When I turned I could see Eric unashamed and yelling, tears of blood streaming down his face. Steve frowned, but then his face softened as he watches how I looked at Eric. She had never seen that look on my face ever, not in my time with him and not even in my time with Loki. Once the blast had settled I released the shield as Steve stepped back, allowing Eric the space needed to get to me. I was crushed in his arms and I could hear him muttering thanks to the gods for my survival. Once he was satisfied he stood and looked to Steve, holding out his hand. "Thank you," Eric said making everyone who knew him let their jaws hit the ground. Steve simply nodded as he shook his hand before turning to Isabella and Godric to offer his help in getting everyone a safe place to sleep tomorrow.

By the time we were finally settled, we had gotten a sun protected room, but we would have to share with Bucky. Bucky laid in one bed as Eric and I climbed into the other. I quickly fell asleep, drained for using my power the way I had. Eric soon followed as the sun began to rise. When I began to have nightmares Bucky rushed over and laid next to me as Eric held me. He whispered in Russian the things he always did to calm me from a dream. Eric tightened his arms trying to make me feel safe. Even though he was sleeping he knew I needed him. I settled back to a peaceful sleep as Bucky sang to me like he did when I was first taken and scared. It was the lullaby Natasha had taught him. She had sang it to me when I was trapped in the red room with her. Bucky also fell into a peaceful sleep and when Steve came to check on us he smiled. He had never seen me so content.

Thank you guys so much for your patience I hope you enjoy the new chapter and I will try to get a new one out soon.

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