Chapter 4

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~Chapter 4~

I was rudely woken up the next morning by Temmy shaking me.

“Five more minutes.” I mumbled into my pillow. I heard Temmy sigh and walk out. I smiled, thinking she had given up and rolled over on my bed.


“What the h*** was that?” I yelled. Temmy held up a mini blackboard and held her nails next to it. My eyes widened as I realized what she was about to do.

“SCRREEEEEEECCCHHHHH” I clamped my hands over my ears. There was nothing I hated more than the sound of nails on a blackboard. She raised her hands threateningly again and I rolled out of my bed, hitting my head on the table next to my bed.

“All right, all right, I’m up! Just please don’t do that again!”

I quickly threw on my uniform and grabbed my bag before following Temmy out of the door.

“Hey was it really necessary to wake me up like that?” I looked at my watch.”You do know it’s only 7:30 right? Class doesn’t start until 8:30.” Temmy just smirked.

“No it wasn’t entirely necessary but it was fun, so I think that makes it completely worth it. Plus we need to show Amanda around and I thought that would be the best way to wake you, since we figured out cold water doesn’t work.”

I smiled as I recalled the time she had tried to wake me up with dumping a bucket of water on me. I had rolled out of the way and pulled a water gun out from under my bed that I kept there as a habit (long story involving my dad, his butler, a Chihuahua, a pickle, some waffles, and chocolate milk). Needless to say, we were both soaked and I ended up going back to sleep after.

“Where’d you get the blackboard anyway?”

“Well…” She began. I shook my head.

“Never mind, I don’t want to know.”

She shrugged and entered to office. I followed her closely, stumbling a little, looking for Amanda. I spotted her sitting in front of the principal’s desk in one of those chairs that are supposed to make you feel intimidated. The office had two of the chairs because of some ridiculous theory that trouble always comes in twos. I exchanged a glance with Temmy.

“DIBS!” We shouted together. I raced towards the chair and poked Temmy in the sides just as she was about to sit down, making her shriek and drop to the floor. I daintily stepped over her and sat down on the chair, spinning around in circles in victory. Amanda just watched this in amusement, trying not to laugh.

“C’mon Amanda, spin. You know you want to.” I sang. She burst out laughing and started spinning as well.

“Won’t we get in trouble?” Amanda asked, laughing her head off.

“Nope. He’s pretty cool. Plus you’re with us, so you’re cool.”

“Why do I feel like we’re going into a club you’re one of those people that’s all, ‘she’s with me’?”

“I dunno… probably ‘cause we’re just that awesome!” Temmy said. I looked at her in surprise.

“I thought you were still moping in the corner! I guess you’ve finally decided to grow up and join us mature adults?” I said haughtily. She stuck her tongue out at me.

“You? Mature? On what planet have you been living?” Temmy scoffed.

“Neptune, duh! Where else would I have been living?” Temmy and Amanda simultaneously rolled their eyes.

“Wow that was cool! Did you guys like rehearse that or something?” They just rolled their eyes again.

“Seriously, it’s sooo cool. It was like you guys have like telepathy or something!” They started to look a bit concerned now.

“Hey, do you think Tom Cruise is telepathic? ‘Cause that’d bring his level of awesomeness even higher.”

“Lee, did you hit your head last night?” Temmy asked seriously.

“Nope…but I did hit it this morning when I was so rudely awoken,” I said, glaring at Temmy. I started spinning again, feeling slightly light headed.

“I’m spinning, spinning, spinning, yeah I’m spinning spinning spinning, yeah I’m spinning spinning spinning and YOU’RE JELOUS!!!!” I sang loudly. Just then the principal came in.

“Lee?” He said, as though unsure.

“Hola Principal Freedman!!” I called.

“What happened to her?” He whispered to Temmy.

“She hit her head this morning getting out of bed.” Temmy explained.

“Temmy, if I die, I’ll get Amanda to sue you.” I said calmly, and then turned to the principal,” So we have to show Amanda around?”

“Yeah, here’s her schedule and room key.”

“Thank you,” we chorused.

We walked out and I took out Amanda’s schedule, trying to concentrate as the words swam across the paper.

“Guys, I don’t feel too good,” I said. Darkness was slowly creeping along the edges of my vision and I struggled to push it away. I stumbled and put out my arm to steady myself against the wall. Amanda and Temmy continued, not noticing my sudden stop.

“Amanda! Temmy!” I yelled with my last ounce of strength. I slid gently to the floor and let the darkness overtake me.

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