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I talked to the moon today
He remembered my name but not my face
Said I hadn't looked to the sky in years
So all he saw was the top of my head
And a head of hair that grew and grew

I asked after his health and he said
"The gravity up here makes me lightheaded
And the stardust scratches my tongue"
To reassure me it was true, he opened his mouth
and indeed his teeth glittered
I cried out 'how unfair they are to you!'
And instead of nodding he said this

"We were not made to last;
The sand in my mouth
The footprints on my brow
They remind me I won't feel like this forever
That life is hard, like swallowing steel bullets
And the reason we can carry the weight
Is because one day we'll explode
Into stardust, from whence we came"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2022 ⏰

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