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"Real nice Alexander! Leave me to take your hook-up home because you are too wasted!" I kick his legs off of the coffee table while walking through them. "You also forgot to mention she lives with Cory Shafer's daughter. What the fuck were you thinking?" I glare at him not waiting for a response, "oh wait, you weren't." I glare at him, "thinking is too complicated for the likes of you." Truth be told the last part of my response to his stupidity is false and tasted like bile as it poured from my lips. AJ thinks all of the time and he is rather smart depending on the day but, for some reason, I cannot see past my irritation at the moment.

AJ laughs in response to my insults. Irritation continues to flick through me like striking a match to light a fire. I grumble a little more but reluctantly take my seat on the couch opposite of him, snagging the remote before he could get it and flipping through Netflix looking for something that might be half decent to turn on.

My roommate and best friend just happens to be AJ, also known as the one and only Alexander James. Well, the one and only in this town that is. How the hell I let him convince me into moving here to Los Angeles all the way from New Jersey, I have no idea. Somedays I love it and on days like today the unforgettable feeling of regret sneaks in. It was never the plan. Moving that is. In fact, it was the exact opposite of the plans I originally had for my future. Yet, like anything else in this fucked up world, plans changed, and I found myself in Los Angeles, once again.

With a single mother and a rich father, everything has been handed in my direction as a peace offering for their latest and greatest split-up. They were never married, thank God, and have been off and on my entire life. By the age of ten, my parent's indecisiveness became less of a shock and more of an annoyance. It was not until when my father just happened to step into quite a large sum of money that they made it official that they were not going to be getting back together. Again, thank God. Well, that is the hope for the next however long until they hook up again because they love each other. Whether they will admit it to each other or not. Yeah, love just happens to be the biggest joke of them all. Sure, dear old dad recently bought my streetcar, the aero; but only an idiot would turn that opportunity down. Especially with the amount of 'secret' races they have here. Because it is such a great secret when everyone talks about it. Yeah, right. It may give me a chance to actually make something of myself and get out from my father's rather wealthy thumb. Some honest lute might be my only chance. On the other hand, I have no intent with women as they crawl around the tracks like mice in a restaurant. Maybe on occasion, I may find a good one or two here and there but, there will be no emotions or relationships coming from me. Well, so I thought.

Cory Shafer's daughter has some rather intriguing sass, and her driving looks mighty similar to her father's. There is no way people see her and not know she is Cory's daughter. She has his tongue and arrogance. Sad what happened to him. Sometimes, I wish I did not know the truth. It puts me in a sticky situation between attraction and some deeply embedded family secrecy. With her tan legs, perfect peach-shaped ass and not to mention the set she has on her chest, there is no way she does not feel all the male attention on her at the track, however, her attitude could use some adjusting. She has a witty tongue and a comeback for nearly everything, but she also has a lot of logic and a certain coolness about her. Like she has no fear, no worries, just lived life looking for a thrill. At least that is how she appears to be whenever she is at the track as that is the only time I have seen her.

Her name is Amberly Shafer. She was raised by Lexy Brooks' family after her father Cory Shafer died in a tragic accident on the very drag which will be at next weekend's location. I doubt Amberly will show. Which is kind of a good thing for me. I really used to get my head in the game and for some obnoxious reason whenever she is around, my attention is fully on her. No one else. Nothing else. It is annoying. Women do not pique my interest like the wicked tongued five foot two or three brunette has. She has almost every male's attention here at the track, mine included. A prickle of jealousy cannot help but tug at my brain at the thought of all the other men at the track gawking at her like she is just some piece of ass. However, if it came to it, I doubt she would ever be more to me than that. However, thanks to the family shit, I have to steer clear of that one for more than great reasons.

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