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         "Who is she here to kill?" Shuri slowly walks around the cage, watching as the young girl attacks the glass walls surrounding her.  Tony stands up, "me, unfortunately" he replies bluntly. Bucky shakes his head, "I don't get it. Hydras gone, we made sure of that" he takes his jacket off. As soon as the girl sees buckys arm, she stops attacking the glass to watch Bucky instead. Everyone turns to look at Bucky, "uh, what's going on?" Sam stands up. The girl stares motionlessly at Bucky, as Bucky stares back.

He stands up and walks over to the glass, "the Winter soldier" She speaks out, taking her goggles and mask off of her face. Bucky stares down at the kid, trying to read her eyes, "what did hydra do to you?" He walks around the cage, noticing as the young girl follows his movement. She turns around as Bucky continues circling the glass, "готов выполнить" she looks down. Bucky looks away, "what did she say?" Tony steps forward. Bucky looks at him, "ready to comply" he rubs his face. Shuri nods, "she's not like you" she speaks up, walking past bucky.

Everyone turns to look at her, "There's something different" Shuri adds. Steve shakes his head, "can you get her mind back?" He enquires. Shuri tilts her head from side to side, "like I did with bucky... if we can figure out her trigger words, then yes" she nods. Bucky steps forward, "they might be similar to what mine were" he suggests.  Shuri shrugs, "I won't know, not until I use an algorithm to decipher what's going on inside of her mind. I'd need to take her back to Wakanda" she turns to face bucky.  Bucky keeps his eyes on the kid, "then let's get going" he walks over to grab his jacket. 

         "Woah nuh-uh, this threat just walked through our doors. Trashed the place whilst trying to kill me, and you're suggesting you take her back to Wakanda with you? She needs locked away..." Tony steps forward. Bucky steps up to meet Tony, eye to eye, "the kid is still in there, and there's a way to get her mind back. So if you'd excuse us, we're going to help her..." he nudges Steve, "is there a way we can get her to Wakanda in this?" He proposes as the girl return to punching the glass.  Steve shrugs, "maybe not in the cage but there's a tungsten chair on the jet, she won't be able to break out of that" he points to the garage behind them.

          Bucky shoots Steve a confused glare, "Steve that's not strong enough, you and I can break that in a second..." he begins but Steve shakes his head, "I fought her upstairs, she's not as strong as we are. Whatever super solider serum she's got running through her blood, it's not as strong as the one running through ours" he cuts bucky off. Bucky turns to face the glass, "alright, then let's get her on the jet" he nods. Tony sighs, "she's not going alone, half of us will complete our mission, half will go with you" he interrupts. Bucky nods, "that's fine" he continues walking. Clint walks into the room, "no need for that, I just shot flying goblin guy. He's dead" he nods, "so we're going to Wakanda?" He adds calmly.

          "Fine... Banner, Rhodey, vision, Wanda. You stay with me in the compound, we still have jobs to do. Barton, Cap, nat, Thor, sam, you go with bucky and Shuri. But keep me updated" Tony warns. Bruce sighs, "I gotta fix things with hulk, man, it's getting embarrassing..." he turns to Tony as their half start leaving the downstairs floor. Steve nods, "okay, nat and Clint you go fetch the jet around with Shuri and Sam. Thor, me and bucky will try and contain this one" he taps the glass. Everyone follows his orders and before they know it, the jet is ready for their attempts to get this kid onto the jet.

Bucky walks up to the steel door of the cage, "okay, I'm gonna try and calm her down. Or at least distract her, you two grab her legs or something..." he waves them off calmly as he quickly rushes through the door. The girl backs up, "you recognise me, don't you?" He moves closer, "get back!" She yells, throwing one punch which is easily blocked by bucky. She groans as he drops her to the floor so she can't move, "you remember me, and you know who sent you here. Hydra. They've been experimenting on you" He blocks her continuous punches as the other two barge into the cage, "shut! up!" She screams. Bucky remains silent as the kid slowly stops fighting him.

She squirms a little, but stops kicking and punching as a single tear rolls down the side of her face, "I got the left leg!" Thor announces, as jolly as ever. Bucky grabs the girls arms and before they know it, the screaming and fighting has begun again. Bucky tries his best to look away whilst they drag her onto the aircraft, feeling a sense of helplessness. They lead her straight to the chair, where she almost escapes, but a punch from Steve stops her and she falls back into the chair, leaving bucky and nat with enough time to lock the restraints. Thor steps back, "sweet lord, she's a feisty one. I need wine after this" he plonks down onto the nearest seat and straps himself in, resting his hammer on the ground between his legs.

          Bucky looks up at Steve, "looks familiar" he sighs and sits down on the seat next to the metal chair. The young girl is still trying to fight her away out of the chair, but she isn't quite strong enough to break the metal. Steve sighs and sits down too, on the other side, "we'll bring her back" he nods in reassurance. Sam sits down along with Shuri and Clint who are driving the jet, "she does the staring thing. Only It's a little intimidating when she does it" sam swivels on the chair. Bucky scoffs, "what? I'm not intimidating?" He shakes his head. Sam chuckles, "She's a child who could snap my neck if she wanted to, you're a grown ass 100 year old man. So yeah, she's more intimidating than you big guy" he swivels back around.

Steve shoots bucky a small side glance, "thanks" bucky rolls his eyes and retorts sarcastically. The girl soon calms down and stops fighting the large restraints, "you're in my way" she speaks up angrily. Bucky swivels, "of what?" He enquires. She looks over at him, "my mission" she looks away from him, "you ruined it" she warns. Bucky shakes his head, "it's alright, kid" he reassures whoever's still inside of her.  Steve watches his friend, who's clearly devastated that something that has happened to him, has happened to a child...

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