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No plans? Pfft, Veda is currently sat on the floor reading over the file she gathered together during the blip. She stopped researching into it when she hit a dead end a few years back, nothing was making sense anymore, so she decided to call quits. As she sits in the middle of the living room on the floor, with papers scattered everywhere, she stares down at her previous work in confusion. With a sigh, she stands up and heads over to the kitchen area, grabbing a bottle of water and flicking the radio on so she isn't sitting in a pit of suffocating silence.

She sits back down and decides to reorganise the papers, reading through everything she already had and making notes on the missing pieces. Then it hits her, the only reason she could complete her project was because... the person she's looking for disappeared when thanos snapped his fingers. She chuckles and shakes her head, wondering why her younger and more clear headed self couldn't even think of that. She pulls her laptop over to her and begins researching the things she didn't figure out before.

As she leans back to take a break her mind finally snaps back into the room, and her ears adjust to the noise from the radio. 'Every game you play, every night you stay, I'll be watching you'. She shudders and looks at her work again, that song has always given her the creepies, there's something about it that freaks her out.

"Who's got no plans now, buck?" She mumbles to herself. It does hurt her a little. Knowing they used to have nothing but such a pure bond with each other. But now, in this real life situation, in this city full of hate and crime, they know they were living a lie in Wakanda. Here, it's a game of survival, you can be a nobody in this place and no one cares, but back in Wakanda everyone had a part to play. Everyone had a purpose, although here, does anybody really have a purpose?

It's final. Her plan. This project. It will happen, tomorrow. But tonight? Well... tonight she can sneak off to a bar somewhere. Maybe drink the night away. Drown her nerves in liquor. It's a plan, her plan. Is it a good one? Definitely not. Will it bring closure? Absolutely. Is she going to tell bucky? Not a chance. Is that a good idea? Not in the slightest...


Bucky couldn't shake the sinking feeling in his stomach, and it is purely to do with Veda's lashing out this morning... So now he finds himself knocking on Veda's apartment door, simply wanting to clear the air from earlier today. When she doesn't answer he fishes out the spare key from inside his pocket and lets himself inside, "V?" He calls out. Silence. A sigh escapes his lips as he scans the apartment, although it's pretty evident she isn't here... It's currently 11:35pm, where on earth could she possibly be?

As he wanders the streets of Brooklyn, peering through all the available windows he passes, the wind blows freely in buckys face. She must be around here somewhere... "Jesus Christ..." he mutters under his breath when he spots veda sat in front of a bar, her head on the bar in front of her and a creepy old guys arm around her waist. He grabs the guys hand and throws it away, "hey man!" The bald guy stands up, "keep your hands off her" bucky warns. Veda groans and sits up, "oh hi..." she winces awkwardly. Bucky practically pulls her out of the bar, "even though you may look twenty-one, doesn't mean you can act like it. What the hell were you thinking?" He shakes his head as he wraps his arm around her, supporting her drunken mess of a body back to their apartment complex.

She sighs dramatically, "fulfilling my plans..." she mumbles to herself. Bucky scoffs, "if this is all you got, you can think of some new plans. Anything could've happened to you back there..." he shakes his head. She stumbles out of the elevator, "I got a metal arm, I'm okay..." she waves her arm in the air. Bucky nudges her back into her apartment, "metal arm or not. You can't be drinking that much on your own, I mean, you shouldn't be drinking yet anyways. You're underage" he watches as she flops down onto the couch. She swats his yelling away, "too loud" she complains and closes her eyes. Bucky runs a hand down his face, "you're going to therapy tomorrow, wether you like it or not" he heads over to his door, "we'll talk about this in the morning" he shakes his head as he leaves. Veda rolls over, "no we won't..." she smiles to herself. She won't even be here in the morning...

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