capitolo 10

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Your sister was right

I thought I couldn't love anymore
Turns out I can't, but not for the same reasons as before
I use everyone I ever meet
I can't find the perfect match
Abuse those I love
While I ostracize the ones who love me
On the path of least resistance, I find myself salting the Earth
Every time that I miss you
I feel the way you hurt
And I don't deserve you
You deserve the world
Though it feels like we were built
From the same dirt
I hate to say it
But your sister was right
Don't trust English boys
With far too much free time
And I hate to say it
But your sister was right
I'm nothing but a problem
Leave you crying overnight
And I hate to say it
But your sister was right
I can't focus on the future only my short sight
I hate to say it
But your sister was right
I'm a wanker
Complete wanker
A fucking waste of time

i don't deserve you~ bangchanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora