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"it was nice talking with you, ciana."

i shook her hand and slowly walked away.

"see you around, namjoon!"

i looked behind my back and waved, seeing as she waved back and walked away herself.

the slow hum of my mind and the soft murmurs from the few people around me became my company as i walked on to where i was first headed to.

my phone rang as i was just about to kick the rock that lays constant against the curb.


"namjoon," the voice i have been waiting to hear for the past two days finally registered in my mind.

"seokjin." i replied back, looking down at my foot who was still hovering over the rock i had found.

"hi, i hope i'm not disturbing you." sound of shuffles was heard from the other side as i walked again, deciding to leave the rock alone.

"you're not, i'm actually glad you called."

"are you okay there?"

"yes. yes, i am. you?" i looked at my left and saw the sun setting, warm red and oranges painting the sky, two birds passing by at the same time i paid attention on the clouds' slow pace as they cover up the sun to unveil the moon.

"i'm fine here," i clicked out of the call and opened my camera, taking a shot and focused back to the call again.

"that's good."

silence engulfed our conversation while i stand still near the curb, staring at the slow shift of the colors as they turn into a darker and cooler shade.

"i miss you." you had said it so softly that i stalled on replying just to remember how you said those three words, placing it carefully inside a special place in my mind where i can revisit it over a thousand of times for when i need to hear it.

with a slow exhale coming from me, "i miss you too."

how would you feel | namjinWhere stories live. Discover now