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I needed to get out of there, it didn't feel right. I realized how much I loved England and I figured I may as well see what it's like.

The sun beamed on the train tracks as I gathered my luggage and went forward. I tried to think positive. Why was it so hard to live without George when I had done it so many times before? Sometimes I regretted saying goodbye. But it was for the best. Not all stories end with a happy ending. But this wasn't the ending. This was a new beginning. A fresh start. In a whole new country even!

I had saved up money for college in england, and my parents helped out a bit too. I finally had enough and this was my chance.

A chance to a new beginning.

As I sat at the train station. My mind pondered. Going in circles. Would it of been best to let it last a little longer? I would of drove myself to insanity though. I had about 100 things on my mind. And George was 99. I missed him.. I really did.

As the train pulled up I got on carrying my backpack and suitcase. I sat there. On the train looking out the window, looking at my town I had lived in my whole life from above. I took out my journal, I started to sketch George's face from what I could remember of the drawing on the wall. I smiled and pressed my hand against the drawing like I once did on that wall, with the green handprint.

The sky was cloudy, I looked out the window thinking, and thinking. Even if it was the most random things. I had nothing much more to do so I sat there observing the beautiful scenery, I grabbed from my suitcase my new headphones. It was such a baffling concept. I got mine for Christmas last year,  december 1969. It feels like they had only just come out! I plugged them into my mini radio, switching the music every so often.

I fell asleep on the train, waking up to the door opening and everyone getting off, I grabbed all my things when I finally realized I was at the airport. I rushed out and walked into the airport, it was massive! I had never been on a plane before this but it seemed like it would be fun! There was gift shops in the airport, a cafe, everything.

I walked over to the cafe and decided to order something since I had some cash on me and after the long ride on the train I was starving. Ahead of me in line was some pretty old man, he was very slow. "do you need any help there?'' I asked him. "I'm fine" he said. After he walked to his seat I ordered a coffee and a donut. As I walked over to an empty table I felt bad about the old man and decided to sit with him. "hey what's your name?" I asked him. "Phil" he said, "what do you want?" Phil asked me. "Nothing I just thought I would give you some company, you seem pretty lonely over here." I replied. Phil didn't respond and just continued drinking his coffee. "So.. Phil where are you headed?" I asked him, "California, I'm going to my friend sneeg's wedding." Phil answered. "Sneeg?" I questioned. "It's a nickname." he replied "Ah okay" I said. "I better get going or I'll miss my flight but it was nice meeting you phil!" he took a sip of his coffee again. "You too" he replied.

Only In Your Dreams - Flowers from 1970 (concept idea)Where stories live. Discover now