Moving on.

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The past is in the past, whether they are in the future, or in the present. Sometimes I would miss george, late nights in the middle of June. The summer wasnt something i was really looking forward to and I decided I needed to move on. The house only reminded me of him. I couldn't even be in my own room without something sparking our little memories together, it had to stop. I knew I couldn't keep talking to him, it would only hurt me more. Something would put the phone calls to an end and the less memories the easier it will be to get over him. I said my proper goodbye and it has been around 3 weeks, I had to get out of this place. So I moved out. Sure I would miss sapnap, but I needed to move on and do better things with my life. All I did was lay in my room all day, it didn't take me long to figure out where I wanted to move. England. It did remind me of george quite a bit but enough to get away from this room with that green handprint on the wall. it was sad saying goodbye. I grew up here and all my memories were here but I had to face reality someday. I needed change. My life before was great, but it was the same over and over and as much as I loved those calls it made me think about how we could never possibly be together.

I started packing a few days ago. I'm almost done. But I saved up enough to go to a small university in England where ill have a dorm. Packing away all the special memories really made me emotional. And I couldn't go see sap whenever I wanted anymore. I tried leaving everything that reminded me of george behind. Except for the notebook.  I came across childhood toys, photos, and little knickknacks. I finished packing another box and put it beside the door. "sweetie I'm really gonna miss you" my mom said walking over to me. "I'll miss you too mom, but ill make sure to call you i promise!" I said, giving her a big hug. Patches came over to me aswell, and I bent down to pet him. "Aw patches, im gonna miss you." I said petting him. I stood up, and walked back to my room. I looked out the window at the neighborhood I once learned to ride my bike, climbed trees with sap, and would play hide and seek with my little sister drista, I looked at the handprint, the phone, and the sketch i did of george on the wall. My parents didn't exactly appreciate it but I sure did. It was worth it. All of it. If I could choose to live any other life I would of still chosen this one. Becuase it was worth it. Sure I'm not some famous, rich Rockstar or anything but im me. And the people that have come into my life so far have all been the most amazing, friends, family, and- well, george i could ask for.

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