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me and Isabelle both agreed on meeting in my dorm at 1 pm to help each other out in our different subjects.. but she never came. i was starting doubt she would ever come, I was thrilled before to see her and i didnt understand why she always is rushing around or leaving early all the time. she was like this mysterious girl, that i was "head over heels" for and heck i don't even wear heels; i just dont really know how else to describe it. i started to wonder if she actually even liked me back or not. of course it could just be me.  it finally was a quarter after 2 pm, then isabelle approached me and its like all my thoughts disapeared as I saw her in that very moment. there we both stood at the door of my dorm and I was just speechless, too nervous to even talk. she put on a dress and make up and i really wasn't sure why, but I wasn't complaining. she looked gorgeous. "I'm so sorry for being so late.. i forgot and i was getting ready for the game." she apologized, i had almost forgot she was going. "the football game?" i asked. "mhm" she nodded. "oh i was actually going to go to that with my friends Tina and Noah" i replied. "Tina?" she mumbled, "i was actually going to go with her too" she laughed. i already knew it but i had to pretend to act suprised somehow you know, "really? that's awesome.. maybe we could go together" i said. she had this sort of nervous smile on her face and it only made me smile too, I'm pretty sure my face was getting red and i was embarrassing myself, "yeah that would be great" she replied. my heart was racing. "i have to go anyway, I'm apart of the cheer team which is why i had to put all this makeup and dress on." she said. "oh wow I never knew you were a cheerleader" i laughed, "that's great" i added. "well we probably shouldn't waste too much time" she said. she walked over to the table and set her books down. as we sat together she smiled, "what is it?" I asked. "Nothing" she laughed. we made eye contact, and her eyes, her smile.. I couldn't believe it. I was falling for her. i reached my arm out almost to her shoulder, she pushed my arm away, giggling and I couldn't help but giggle with her. there was a spark between us, I felt it in my heart. I knew it. something was there, I just hope she noticed it too and it wasn't me losing my mind, or being delusional.. I was always a hopeless romantic. I was never popular in high school or anything. I didn't have many friends aside from sap to be honest, I was just really shy and no one ever bothered to talk to me so what was the point in talking anyway? it was stupid really but There is always that pressure to meet the standards and fit in. I just didn't, and there wasn't much I could do but try my best to. I don't remember doing much in high school aside from playing a couple sports but even on the teams I was mostly excluded. I was more focused on myself and my academics than everyone else. it just didn't seem important to me. it got sort of boring being lonely though, and for some reason after moving to London and going here meeting these new people I'm a different person. they don't see me as the awkward shy kid. For once I have a friend, Isabelle. I thought I would never find any in a new environment like this, but it's a fresh start like I said. a blank slate with so much to be done, and it's like I can finally be myself without all that pressure to be everyone else instead. when I met George I found someone other than sap and my family who accepted me for who I really was. Someone who I loved, and someone who seemingly loved me back.. I guess maybe that's why it was so hard letting him go, and I still miss sap a lot. but I'm trying my best to keep in touch from such long distances, I send him letters and I've gotten a couple responses back as well but I'm worried it still will effect our friendship. which is a reasonable worry I suppose.. I just don't want our friendship to fade as we get older, he's my bestfriend in the whole world and it will stay that way no matter where I go, hopefully that stays that way for him too. it's hard to communicate with him from so far away maybe I'll visit one day and we can finally see each other again. I wish I could see George, just once. Somehow. I knew in my heart he was the right person I guess just at the wrong time. but maybe that wasnt the end and just maybe isabelle was my new beginning, i used to convince myself i could never love someone the way i loved george and though you have a different love for different people, i love them both equally.

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