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(I found the google doc and last cr I was not shipping Hannah and Aimsey when In Hannah's head so said so her name is Aimsey I was not shipping Hannah and was just Curious on what Aimsley name was. Sorry for the Misunderstanding)

|| NEW CHARACTERS! || Sapnap ||

|| Pov: Hannah And Aimsey || Time 6:25 pm ||

'This way' Aimsey said to Hannah. 'Ok.' She said.
They walked over to the changing. *Beep Beep Beep*. Aimsey stoped in her path. She put her arm out to stop Hannah. 'What's that beeping and where that coming here?' Hannah asked Aimsey. 'We need to go.' Aimsey said and grabbed Hannah Wrist and they ran. We get to a safe place in one of the closets 'so what was that.' Hannah asked Aimsey. 'That was the alarm for we someone breaks into the this room but it's most likely it's a mistake.'

|| Time Rewind ||

|| POV: King Ranboo || Time: 5:58pm ||

Me and Michael just saw Lady Eret. She invited Michael to the Japanese café it looked cute from the picture he showed use. 'DaDa.' I hear it made me jump a bit then I realized was Michael. 'Yes buddy?' I said to him. 'CaN we Go INSIDE my ColD?' He said as he shivered and started to try to warm himself up by crossing his arms and rubbing his hands on the other arm. 'Yeah sure let's go.' I say. 'Up Up.' Michael said with his hands in the air in a grabbing motion then I pick Michael up bridal style. 'Yay.' He said after I picked him up and put him in my arms.
We walk out the greenhouse and in the the castle we headed to bees office him and Hannah were not their so we sat and waited for them to come back to the office.
'I'm goIng TO the BaThRoom DaDa.' Michael said.'Be safe buddy.' I said and he left to go to the bathroom.

|| POV: Prince Michael || Time: 6:18 pm || Location: in hallway going to the bathroom ||

I walked out of the room and headed to the bathroom. The bathroom was just drown the hallway so Dada Trusted too go alone too the bathroom because I'm a big boy at lest that's what uncle Theseus says. Theseus is a bad name why would Grandpa Phil name him that I think he should of named him Tommy it's much better than Theseus. The sound of foot Steps scared me and got me out of my thinking.

'HelLo?' I turn around to see a man with brown fluffy hair and white glass wearing a blue shirt with what seemed to be Tomato juice on his shirt. 'Hi my name is King George but you Little one can call me just Gogy and what's you name?' The George said to me. Oh HeLLo GoGy My NaMe is PriNce MichAel.' I said all confidently and rise my hand to my chest the made him chuckle bit. 'Hey Michael where are you? going if you just walking around we can go on the walk.' Gogy said. I'm goIng to tHe batHRoom. ThEn we cAn go on A wALk I'm sUre DaDa woUld nOt mINd bUt beFOre wE go Out On aRe wAlk cAn We gEt mY cOaT?' I said. 'Yeah of course we can you get your coat before we go it must be cold for some out as small as you but you to the bathroom you must now to go.' Gogy said and pinch me cheek. 'Oki.' I said and left to go to the bathroom.

I got to the bathroom and used the bathroom. I left the bathroom and saw Gogy standing in the same place as before I went to the bathroom but this time he as talking to a man with black hair, brown eyes and he was wearing a white shirt with a picture of fire on it. I go back to Gogy and the mystery man. I got there. 'I'm bACk.' I say. 'Who's tHAt Man?' I asked Gogy. 'Oh him he is my friend Sapnap don't worry you can trust him Prince Michael.' Gogy said so I now trust Sapnap because Gogy Trusts him. 'Hello SApNAp.' I said to Sapnap. 'Hello you must be Prince Michael it's a pleasure to meet. As you already know my name is Sapnap.' Sapnap said to me as he put his hand out for me to shake I gladly accept and shook his hand. 'I Heard you guys were going on a walk can I join you guys on the walk?' He asked me. 'Yep YOu caN.' I said and nodded my head.

I pulled them over to me room to get my coat out of my closet. I try to get my coat out of my closet by I'm to small I can't reach it. So Sapnap gets it for me I thank him for getting my coat and then I get my shoes. We leave my room and go the the castle door to go outside. We arrive outside in the front but I don't think I remember this Area in the front I thought I've been everywhere in the front. 'G-GoGy?' I asked him. 'Yeah Michael what do you need? Did we forget something?' He asked. 'WhEre aRe we GoGy?' I asked him and he looked at me as he stoped in his Track. 'Oh that you can't know anymore then this sorry Michael.' He said next thing I remember is Sapnap tnocking me out. everything turned to 
pitch black.

|| POV: King Ranboo || time: 6:25pm || Location: Tubbos office ||

It's been 7 minutes since Michael left to go to the bathroom. He should be back by now maybe he just got lost. I should go look he him. I get out of chair to go find him. The door opened it was Bee and Sir Connor. 'Hello boo.' King Tubbo said to me. 'Hey Bee.' I say to him. 'What's up.' Bee asked me. 'Well I was about to go look for Michael he whet to the bathroom 8 minutes ago.' I tell him. 'Ok what are we waiting for let's go find Michael.' He says and takes my wrist pulling me out the door

|| Time Skip || Date: November 06 2023 (11/06/2023) || Time: 2:48am || POV: King Tubbo ||

'Tubbo.. we walked all over the castle he's not here.' Boo said to me as he put his hand on my shoulder. 'Let's go to bed now. We can look more later we need to sleep.' He said. 'No we are going to find him before we go to bed.' I say. 'Come now we are go to bed we can a search team for tomorrow.' He says. 'Ok find but first thing in the morning we are sending the search team out ok you got that.'  I agree with Boo but on one condition. 'Ok I got that but come on I'm exhausted Bee.' Boo said. I grab his hand. 'Come now you want to sleep or not.' I say as I Grip now his hand harder. 'Ok let's go.' Boo said then yawned. We walked to our bedroom and had a good night sleep.


Words: 1204
Hi there's not much that I would like to say but I have two things to say one is this is most likely the last Chapter of the week and two is how was your day mine was good a Hang out with my friend and her fam and her brother's friend.
bye ~Ren <3

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