An unexpected conversation

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One day until Percy and al his friends were expected to leave camp for school. Percy was relaxing in his cabin, most of the camps occupants had left the day before to prepare for school. Something that Percy was adamantly trying to avoid, after the big fight at the labyrinth entrance, Percy wasn't necessarily exited to put in the mortal world with only his limited wits and sword skills. Especially if Kronos was lurking. Percy pushed that thought aside since it wasn't in his best interests to get worried right now.

Percy suddenly felt a cold chill in the air, one that he knew all too well, and one that shouldn't be here. Nico. There was a subsequent knock on Percys cabin door. He opened it and standing short I front of him was the black haired, dark eyed, pale, aviator jacket wearing prince of darkness, Nico di'angelo.

"Nico?" Percy exclaimed in a surprised manor. "I thought you were off on your own"

"I was, Chiron wants to see you - now!" The short ghost king proclaimed. He promptly left before Percy could ask anymore questions.

Percy grabbed riptide in pen form and jogged to the large blue painted house known as the big house. While he was going to the big house a certain blonde girl that Percy knew bumped into his side.

"Chiron wants see you too?" Annabeth asked.

"I feel like that's becoming a common occurrence lately" Percy chuckled.

"Well what do you expect, you're in the most danger you've ever been, he needs to keep you on your toes"

Their conversation was cut short by their arrival at the big house, where Chiron and an array of their friends were there, Nico was there, Thalia was, and the stoll brothers were there (for some unknown reason).

"Chiron. For the last time. Why are we here!" Thalia squealed "I should be serving lady Artemis but you somehow managed to convince her of this important mission!"

"For the last time Thalia I will explain everything when the remainder of our company arrives, which it seems they just have" Chiron retorted. "Hello Percy, Annabeth"

"What's this all about" Annabeth cut straight to the chase.

"Come inside. You may want to sit down"

The demigodly audience followed their centaur mentor inside and each sat on various couches and armchairs. Thalia took the first armchair for herself, the stoll brothers laid themselves flat on the longer couch leaving percy and Annabeth to be uncomfortably sharing one armchair. Nico didn't sit down.

"Tell them what you found Nico" Chiron told him.

"I was searching the underworld-"

"What a surprise" travis stoll interrupted.

"As I was saying" Nico said through gritted teeth "I was searching the underworld and I found an interesting couple in Elysium. James and lily potter. They said they were wizards and witches respectively, at first I thought they meant they were Hecate kids or circes' or something but... it turns out there's a whole other world. A magical world. Hidden all throughout ours. The wizard of world they call it, they have schools and everything. It turns out these potters I spoke to have a son, who they died protecting. A son that has a nasty prophecy about him"

"Relatable" Percy interrupted. Nico stared at his. Percy decided not to interrupts again.

"A son" Nico continued "who just so happens to be our very own prophecy bound hero's age."

"What nicos saying" Chiron interrupted this time "is that if we can create a good relationship with this magical race  we could perhaps, help each other with our own prophecy's. But the down side, is that we've chose you five and Nico to go and partake in a full school year in Scotland under the cover of being there to participate in an ancient game of wizards. The triwizard tournament."

The group of demigods mouths were completely agape.

"But we don't know magic?" Percy and Annabeth said at the same time.

"Can you all manipulate the mist?" Chiron asked rhetorically.

"Yes" replied Thalia, who's earlier sulking face seemed to be nowhere to be found.

"A bit" said Percy

"Yes" said the stoll brothers, who managed to steal and memorise the books on the mist the big house a few years ago.

"No" said Annabeth

"We'll have to teach you, we have until the first of September to do so" Chiron said "I will also be accompanying you on this mission, as the headmaster to our school. The Achilles school of magic."

"Bit self congratulatory there don't you think, just cuz you taught the greatest hero in Greek history or whatever" said Connor stoll.

"What would you propose we name the fictitious academy then Connor?" Chiron asked.

Connor was silent.

"We've collected an array of decoy magical items for you to use" started Nico "we've got wands, we've adapted the camp halfblood orange shirt into wizard robes"

Nico handed each of the demigod their own robe. They were all black with an orange canvas. The only differences they all had were on the breast pocket. Percys pocket had the imprint of a trident, Annabeths had an owl, the stoll twins had a caduceus, Thalia had a lightning bolt and finally, Nico had a skull. Each of these clearly representing their godly lineage.

"Those symbols" Chiron began "will act as a sort of house system based on your parentage, which will remain unknown from the wizards at Hogwarts"

The whole room, bar Chiron and Nico laughed.

"The houses will simply the names house Zeus, or house Poseidon, for example." Said Chiron
"We will leave for Scotland via Pegasus and hippocampus chariot to account for certain afflictions our present company may have. Understood?"

The rooms company nodded in agreement.

They all dissipated after Chiron dismissed them but Percy stayed behind to ask Chiron a question.

"Umm.. Chiron?"

"Yes Percy, your mother has already agreed. And be rest assured that I will manipulate the mist to make it as though you never missed a class here in America, as I will for the others. Assuming that was your question?"

"It was. Thank you Chiron"

"Prepare Percy. I'm no seer but if I were to guess, your luck wouldn't allow you to escape this 'triwizard' tournament. Please prepare. I've heard dangerous things about that tournament that should NOT be taken lightly"

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