A brewing idea

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As Percy and Chiron were walking (and trotting) back to their makeshift camp half blood in the grounds of Hogwarts Percy wondered if the rules that Dumbledore set out for Harry also applied to him.

"Chiron?" He asked.

"Yes, Percy?"

"Can I tell Annabeth?"

"I wish you could, but you heard Dumbledore, nobody outside that room is to know" replied Chiron.

"Oh, ok" Percy was saddened by this news but he understood why he couldn't say anything.

When they returned to their camp Percy could see Thalia waiting for him outside his makeshift cabin. Percy thought he heard Chiron mutter 'good luck' under his breath but he wasn't sure.

Percy walked over to Thalia, prepared to be aggressively Berated as to why his name came out of the goblet of fire.

"Jackson!" She bellowed.

Here we go.

"How I'm hades did you get your name on that goblet, you're not even allowed in the tournament! We're you conspiring with that Harry kid? He got in too! How the hell!"

"I DON'T KNOW" Percy was sick of Thalia at this point he just wanted her to shut up "I don't know! Ok? I didn't ask for this!"

"Really? Because it seems like you love to tag along on quests you weren't even invited on!"

"Get out of my way" Percy pushed Thalia aside and entered his makeshift cabin, fuming. Percy heard Thalia's thunderous stomps lead back to her own makeshift cabin.

Percy laid himself on his bed. A moment to think, finally. How had Percy's name been put in the goblet? Who put Harry's name there too? Did it have anything to do with his dream of Kronos and Voldemort?


Percy was sitting in the grounds of Hogwarts. He wasn't wearing those stupid robes that Nico and Chiron had made for them. Speaking of Nico, Percy realised he hadn't seen the son of the god of the dead since they arrived at the castle.

As if on cue. Percy saw a scrawny, pale and young Nico diAngelo speed away from the whomping willow that Hermione had told him about (apparently it leads to the most haunted house in Britain, right up Nico's street) suddenly a tall and thick branch overstretched atop of Nico and came very close to crushing him under his strength. Luckily Nico had shadow traveled within the cast shadow of the tree before the strike landed, transporting him out of a tree and next to percy.

"What In hades was that?!" Percy asked loudly.

"It doesn't matter" Nico shushed Percy so that he couldn't respond to Nicos avoidance of his question. "Dragons!"


"That's the first task!"

"Dragons!? Gods this isn't a joke" Percy wondered out loud "how do you know?"

"I was snooping in the forbidden forest and I saw loads of caged dragons, I wondered what they were for, until I saw that Harry guy talking to Hagrid about them being the first task" he sounded exited "and it looked like Harry's head was floating but I just chalked that up to weird magic things"

"Gods! How am I meant to beat a dragon without showcasing my powers clearly?" Asked Percy.

"I dunno" Nico got up and began to leave "ask Annabeth"

So that's what Percy did. He rushed to Annabeths cabin, hoping that she would be there.

Percy knocked.

"Who is it?" He heard Annabeths voice from indoors.

"It's me"

"What do you want?" Percy took immediate notice to Annabeths tone. It sounded like he had done something wrong.

"I know what the first task is. Can I have your help to plan out my strategy" if Percy knew anything about Annabeth, he knew that you could cheer her up by talking about strategy.

"Fine." She opened the fort and gestured Percy inside. "Not with that Hermione girl? I thought you couldn't get enough of her?"

"What? Hermione? Why would I be with her?"

"She want to be with you!"

"What are you on about?"

"Ugh, what do you need?" Annabeth said begrudgingly.

"How do I defeat a dragon without revealing my powers?"

Annabeths mouth dropped "a dragon?"

"Yes, you know, those big lizards with wings-"

"I know what a dragon is!" Annabeth snapped.

"Do you have an idea how I can beat it"

"Does it breath fire?"

"It's a dragon, wise girl"

"Alright, alright. It's not like non-firebreathing dragons are unheard of." She said "do you know what the surroundings will be"

"No, no I don't"

"Hmm" she stewed in silence for a moment "perhaps you could try soaking the surroundings in water and then moving the surroundings coated in water"

"How would I soak the ground"

"You can create water out of thin air right?"

"I did that once. In mount saint helens when I was being cooked alive, I don't think I could recreate that feeling"

"Fire breathing dragon, seaweed brain"

"Oh yeah"

"So you could protect yourself with water and then cover the battle ground with water, which will then give off the effect of using magic to move the surroundings"

"Ok, good! Thank you! thank you so much" Percy gave Annabeth a hug. She tensed from surprise when he hugged her and carefully reciprocated the it.

Percy left her cabin.

Annabeth wished Percy wasn't showing so much attention to Hermione but who was Annabeth to control who Percy likes?

What if chb competed in the triwizard tournament.| Harry Potter x Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now