A long overseas journey

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Percy was staring at his wand. Chiron said it was 11 inches holly wood, and for all intents and purposes, it was to have a dragon heartstring core. (Even though Percy had no idea what that meant) he had been tasked to call a pod of hippocampi so he could transport himself, Thalia and Annabeth, Nico, Chiron and the stolls were going via airborne chariot instead of waterborne.

Percys wand was long and cylindrical, it had bronze accents running from the base to half way up the shaft, it reminded him of riptide since the bronze was the same shade. Over the last week, Chiron and Thalia had been holding daily classes to help us learn to manipulate the mist. Percy could already manipulate the mist to an extent, but he was grateful for these extra classes so he didn't make a fool of himself in front of the wizards and witches at this Hogwarts place. Funny name, Percy thought.

It was almost one o'clock, the chariots would be leaving soon. Percy darted out of his cabin and ran to the lake that led out into the ocean. When he got there the other demigods and centaur were waiting by a two Pegasi drawn chariots and two hippocampus draw chariots.

"Ah Percy, you finally found it convenient to join us" Chiron said.

"Naturally" Percy jumped in a hippopotamus chariot with Annabeth, whereas Thalia was in the other one, Nico, the stolls and Chiron were travelling by pegasi.

The trip to hoggywarts was an incredibly long one, but that's to be expected when travelling across the Atlantic, nothing special happen on the trip, Percy had a few conversations with the passing fish and the hippocampi, a few whale jumped out the water but these events were so infrequent Percy felt no need to recount the whole trip.

When the group arrived at their destination Percy thought that Annabeth was going to collapse at the sight of the magnificent Hogwarts castle.

"Oh my gods" she exclaimed "it's beautiful. It must be at least a thousand years old" Annabeth was ogling at the castle that they were quickly approaching. Percy couldn't take is eyes of Annabeths who's were sparkling with amazement at the building.

When the chariots came to land, the group was met by an incredibly tall and incredibly hairy man with a group of white Pegasi hitched to trees behind him.

"Ello, you must be Achilles school of magic, mustn't ya" said the large hairy man "I'm Rubeus Hagrid, but you can call me hagrid. I'm the gamekeeper here at Hogwarts"

"The castle is incredible" said Annabeth, unable to contain her excitement.

"Why thanks, miss" said Hagrid.

Hagrid lead us up to the castle while making small talk "I ain't never seen a centaur as a head teacher. The centaurs here at Hogwarts in the forest tend to be far more aggressive, apart from Firenze I suppose" hagrid seemed to be talking more to himself than to Chiron "awfully small school you've got professor..?"

"Chiron" the centaur headmaster answered his question. "Yes, many of our students remain at our school, I'm afraid these were the few of our students willing to come to Scotland for a year."

"Professor Chiron" Hagrid said "ah well that's a shame. But I'm sure these guys are most formidable your school has to offer"

"They truly are. Many of them have partaken in many great feats." He glanced at Percy and Annabeth when he said this.

They were approaching the steps of the castle where they saw a range of students. There was a group wearing blue uniforms and a group of Eastern European looking students wearing large coats.

"Who're these guys?" Asked Annabeth

"These guys? Well they're beauxbatons and durmstrang ain't they" said hagrid "you ready to make you're entrance?"

"This'll be good" muttered the stoll brothers.

Hagrid went through a large set of wooden doors into a seemingly very populated dining hall. The demigods hung around outside the hall. They watched the other schools enter. Which worried Percy immensely, he had no idea what their entrance would be.

"Chiron" said Thalia "what is our entrance going to be?"

"Umm... Percy I want you to manipulate the water in the goblets and Thalia I want to to create sparks and I'll control the mist to make it seem more impressive. And make sure you keep your wands in your hand you need to actually look like you're doing magic."

It came to their turn to enter into the dining hall. The doors opened Percy and Thalia entered first performing exactly how Chiron had told them to, Percy used his powers to lift the liquids out of all the goblets in the room which he then made into one large ball in the middle of the room. Thalia them quickly stuck it with lightning and exploded the liquids all over the room.

There was a tall old man standing at the end of the room, he had a long white beard and hair with half moon spectacles, he reminded Percy of Chiron if Chiron actually looked his age. The old man then bellowed "welcome, friends from foreign lands. Weather that is beauxbatons, durmstrang or our new comers Achilles academy of magic.

The rest of the day was a blur to Percy, he vaguely remembered something about a flaming goblet and grave danger and the rest of the routine. All Percy knew is that at least one of them would have to put their name forward for the tournament.

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