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When Hermione got back to the common room after her day with Percy she immediately told Ron and Harry about what he had said.

"What?" Ron exclaimed "a prophecy?"

"Did he tell you what the prophecy says?" Asked Harry.

"No" replied Hermione. "It seemed to really trouble him"

"Did he at least tell you what it's about?" Ron asked.

"No. We didn't talk much after that"

"You seem sad about that" said Ron.

"Of course I'm sad about that Roland" Hermione whined "he was really interesting to talk to"

"Yeah, interesting to talk to. I bet" Ron mocked her. "Sure you weren't swooning over him Hermione?"

She hit him with a copy of advanced potion making that a sixth year had left on a table in the common room. "I most certainly was not" she lied.

The group heard footsteps coming from the stairs. They each decided to stop talking until they could discern how was coming down the stairs.

"Can you guys please shut up" came the voice of Ron's youngest sibling, Ginny. "Oh, hi Harry" Ginny had always had feelings for harry. Hermione knew that, everyone who wasn't Harry could tell, but Hermione had been noticing Ginnys eyes lingering abnormally long on Percy, she definitely has a type, Hermione deduced. "What are you talking about?"

"That Percy bloke" scoffed Ron, Hermione thought he heard him talk under his breath for a moment 'taking all the good ones, he is' Ginny quickly seemed far more interested in their conversation than she had previously conveyed.

"All the girls won't stop talking about him and Krum, you might have some competition Harry" said Ginny.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked Ginny.

"Oh please, the boy who lived, and international quidditch star and a mysterious American" she scoffed "it's like those crappy mingle films that dad always want to watch just with more magic"

"It's a shame Percy is dating that blonde girl" Ginny continued.

"No he's not" said Hermione "he told me they weren't dating"

"Ooh Hermione, asking ones relationship status, I never took you for the type" Ginny mocked her.

"I'm not... it just came up in conversation" Hermione responded timidly.

"Yeah right" boasted Ron "it couldn't have been more obvious if you threw your arms around your neck and kissed him"

Hermione there the aforementioned potions book at Ron, which hit he's shoulder "ouch! That hurt"

"I don't blame you Hermione" said Ginny

"No surprises" said Harry "I give it a week until Percy is scared of leaving his room due to the female attention"

"I second that" said Ron.

The girls just shrugged them off.


"WHY WOULD YOU TELL HER THAT!" Boomed Annabeth now that she and Percy had returned to a makeshift camp of the school grounds "WE ARE MEANT TO BE STAYING A SECRET!"

"It's not like you were making interesting conversation" Percy snapped.

Chiron opened the tent door and quickly exclaimed "what is this commotion about?"

Annabeth, not giving Percy a chance to speak, said "seaweed brain told that Hermione girl about the great prophecy"

"Ok, and?" Chiron responded.

Annabeth looked positively starstruck that Chiron had not proceeded to shoot Percy in the backside with an arrow "wha- but- why?"

"It's not like wizards are unaware of prophecy's, they have a whole school subject on it, Annabeth, I'm almost positive that this Hermione just shrugged it of as another prophecy they don't take seriously"

Annabeth scoffed and left the tent presumably to return to hers.

"If you need me Percy, I will be speaking with professor Dumbledore, I fear we will be unable to hide our true identity from him for long. So I intend to reveal ourselves to him alone, before our secrecy ends up being viewed as malicious" Chiron sounded worried about what Dumbledores reaction would be "if you need me I will be in his office. And Percy"

"Yes?" Percy was confused as to why he addressed him directly.

"The names are being drawn from the goblet tomorrow. I know Thalia and the stolls put their names in and you didn't, but with your luck, well, just be cautious"

"Got it" Percy said "can I sleep now?"


Percy lied in his sleeping bag and fell asleep quickly. Percys dreams took over his mind.

He saw the blonde and scared face of Kronos, formally known as Luke, Percys worst enemy (Percy doesn't know likes last name yet) he was talking to what looked like a frail infant like shell of a man, surrounded by a rat like man that idly reminded Percy of one of the homeless people blue passes on his way to his regular school and a scruffier looking man, he had longer and scruffier hair than Luke but it looked to be that same colour.

"Tell me" a snake like hiss of a voice was coming from the cradled disgusting infant looking thing "who are you?"

"I am Kronos" the voice of the Titan was unmistakably his own, the only trace it had ever been like was his body. "It has come to my knowledge that the one I seek has recently come into contact with your target. At Hogwarts school"

"Who is it you seek"

"Perseus Jackson, a true thorn in my side in my rise to the throne of Olympus"

"Hmm," the fetus man seemed to consider this "I think we have a visitor wormtail" the rat like man motioned at the door, he then moved to the side leaving and open path for the fetus man he pointed a wand in the doors direction "avada kedavra" growled the fetus. A green light shot from the end of his wand which signified the end of Percys dream.

Kronos was working with someone, something. He had to see Chiron, immediately. Percy jumped from his bed and ran to the castle searching for the headmasters office, where he knew Chiron would be.

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