The goblet of fire

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Harry had been sitting through the goblet of fire spitting out names for a while now, he was starting to get bored. Durmstrangs champion was Viktor Krum (so surprise) beauxbatons was Fleur Delacour and his very own Hogwarts had chosen Cedric Ciggory. All that was left to choose was that Achilles school (which Dumbledore had asked him to come and meet him about tonight)

The goblet suddenly blazed an electric blue and shot out a charred piece of parchment. Dumbledore caught it from mid air and picked it up with... we're his hands shaking. Harry dismissed that idea.

He began to read it "Thalia grace" he boomed. He sounded relieved.

A punk looking girl stood up and walked towards Dumbledore, she took the piece of parchment from him and left the great hall.

All the excitement seemed to have died down now, students were talking, Fred, George and those two brothers from Achilles school were exchanging bets on who should win. Harry thought he could see one of the brothers (travis? Harry wasn't sure on their names yet) take a thin sack of galleons from the pocket of a beauxbatons boy.

Suddenly a great flame erupted from the goblet again. Two parchments flew from the top. Dumbledore snatched them from the sky and read the one after the other.

"Percy Jackson... Harry Potter" he said quietly "Percy Jackson! Harry Potter!"

Both Percy and Harry stood up, both with looks of surprise of their face. They both approached Dumbledore and took the parchment from his hands. He looked sad.

They both walked to the champions room followed by gasps, whistles and boos.

Neither of them said a word to each other, they didn't need to, Harry could tell what Percy was think the same as Percy knew Harry's thoughts. Neither of them wanted this, something sinister put their names in that goblet but Harry was yet to find out what was so special about Percy.

When they entered the room each of the previous champions looked stunned apart from Thalia who just sat back in her chair and released a loud exhale, as if Percy stealing her thunder had happened before.

Harry heard foot and hoof steps coming from the stairs. The various headmasters and headmistress entered the room and briskly walked to Harry and Percy. They were squabbling amongst themselves and kicking them from the competition and/or punishing both of them, but Chiron was noticeably silent.

Then Dumbledore turned to them both. "Boys, did you put your names in the goblet of fire?" He asked calmly.

"No!" They both said in unison

"I thought so" he said "that's the end of it"

"I am afraid it not" said another voice, the voice of Barty crouch "the goblet of fire is a binding magical contract, it cannot be dismayed"

'Damn, me and Percy are stuck in the triwizard tournament' Harry thought


Harry was at Dumbledores office ready to knock when Dumbledore opened it himself.

"Ah Harry, I was just about to send for you" said the headmaster. "Take a seat" he gestured to an open chair next to Percy.

Chiron the centaur was pacing behind Dumbledores desk. Harry had met a handful of the centaurs in the forbidden forest and Chiron was not like any of them (apart from Firenze, kind of) he had a white stallions body and well groomed hair and beard, not your typical Hogwarts centaur, but perhaps they're different in America, Harry never bothered to learn much about American wizardry.

Harry sat down next to Percy, he couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated by him, he was slightly taller, eyes were a slightly darker shave of green and he didn't need glasses.

Dumbledore sat in his chair again, clearly exasperated. "Chiron. Would you mind informing Harry of who you are?" He asked rhetorically.

"We are not wizards, mr potter" Harry's brain felt like there was an army of bees each spring loaded with a question, trying to escape "we live in a mythical world where the Greek myths and legends are... true"

The two of them informed Harry of all the truths the untruths of their mythology and both theirs and their friends who had joined them at Hogwarts exploits.

"Wait" Harry began "so you're the son of Poseidon? The Greek god of the ocean" he was looking at Percy "like the Poseidon?"

"That is correct" Percy said

"Hermione told me about a prophecy about you that you mentioned" when Harry said Hermione's name Percy seemed to turn slightly red, although it was unclear weather he was embarrassed, flustered or both?

"Yeah" Percy took a deep breath in "I'm meant to either save or destroy Olympus on my sixteenth birthday. That's the gist basically, it's stupidly complicated and Chiron won't even let me read the prophecy"

"It's for your own safety, Percy, I've told you this" said Chiron

"But it was perfectly safe for a seven year old Annabeth to read, was it?" After Percy said this he quickly dismissed the conversation. He clearly didn't want to get into it.

"Wow" said Harry "can I tell Ron and Hermione?"

"I'm afraid not, Harry" Dumbledore told him "we need to keep this as confidential as possible, nobody outside this room is to find out we know. Is that clear?"

"Yes professor"

"Good. You're dismissed, go get some rest, we'll discuss the triwizard debacle another time, even though I'm a very powerful wizard. I still need my beauty rest. Goodnight Harry, Percy and Chiron"

What if chb competed in the triwizard tournament.| Harry Potter x Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now