chapter 1

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Elana pov:

I wore a long red satin evening gown with a plunging neckline and a thigh high slit. I arrived at the the coming of age ball early just as I did every year so that Lucien our alpha could make sure he approves of my outfit. When he enters I immediately drop to my knees and bow my head as I had always been taught he gently lifted my chin so I was looking into his eyes and said

"You do not have to kneel my dear"

With a soft nod I obeyed him and stood which I had to admit was a bit difficult for me considering the pup I was currently carrying was about the size of a watermelon (and heavier than one) Lucien had me spin around slowly so that he could inspect my outfit and once he was satisfied with it he went to sit in his throne. He never spoke much so this didn't surprise me.

I was always excited for the ball, all the young werewolves would come of age and meet me for the first was always fun trying to guess what they like and what they don't... watching them stare at me it was different to every other day and that made it exciting.

I helped out with the decorations as best I could and then the boys started arriving and let me tell you it was definitely a handsome group this year. I smiled softly to myself and went over to say hello to one of them who stood alone in the corner looking quite nervous.

"Good evening"
I said and bowed

"Oh... uhh...... ummm.... it's.... uhh... it's nice to meet you"
he responded and I chuckled softly

"Why so nervous?"
I asked and walked a little closer to him sitting down next to him at the table

He blushed and said
"Well I've never really met a woman before"

He was cute when he blushed I noticed
"Well I'm Elana so now you have"
I smiled at him and shook his hand before he responded
"I'm Leo"

"It's nice to meet you Leo"
I smiled resting my hand on my stomach as the pup kicked me
"I think we are going to have a lot of fun tonight"
I said taking a sip of water before walking off to say hello to everyone else and yet I couldn't get him off my mind.

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