chapter 2

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Leo's pov:

When she walked away I wanted to stop her and yet I didn't, I was too much of a coward. The whole evening she didn't speak to me again. I tried to convince myself it was just because there was a lot of people to talk to and she had to talk to everyone but I just couldn't help but think it was my fault for being such a coward. The rest of the ball went by with me still sitting alone in that corner and then it was time for Elana to take everyone one by one into a separate room, I had heard a lot about what happens in there from the older members of the pack and I would be lying if I said it didn't excite me but one by one she took each of us in there and I was left sitting alone in that corner, I started to worry that she wasn't going to call me in at all but then finally once everyone else had left she came to get me and she silently took my hand and lead me through to a room that I could only describe as straight out of fifty shades of grey. She then pinned me against the wall and with a soft purr said

"I always save the best for last"

And then her lips were on mine and I kissed her back. It was passionate and heated and a fight for dominance but for some reason I felt like she let me win.

She pulled away for air panting softly and so was I and once we had both caught our breath she slowly started to undress me and I did the same for her.

Within seconds we were both naked and she pushed me onto the bed and climbed into my lap

"I've been waiting all night for this"

She said and kissed me again as she slowly sank down onto my cock and I knew she didn't hate me...she really had wanted to save the best for last.

I only lasted a few minutes of her rocking her hips back and bouncing before I came and I felt bad because I wanted to pleasure her but Elana told me I had lasted longer than any of the others and that it get better over time and with that she kissed me again and curled up in my arms as we both fell asleep.

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