chapter six

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Leo's pov:

Later that day Elana had gone out to service the rest of the pack and had been gone for about an hour before I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it.

When I opened the door I saw alpha Lucien and imediatly bowed my head

"To what do I owe this great pleasure alpha Lucien?" I asked stepping out of the way so that he could enter

"There is a conversation that I need to have with you" he responded and walked in sitting down in the living room

"It's about Elana" he added

This peaked my curiosity. I knew that Elana had gone over there early that morning and I knew he had been rough with her but I could not imagine what this could be about.

"What about her alpha Lucien?" I asked slightly concerned

"Don't worry she's alright she's just pregnant" he chuckled

"That isn't unusual why are you telling me?" I asked

"It's yours" he explained "she was too scared to tell you "

And then she walked back in through the front door

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