chapter five

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Elana pov:

After four days I left the cave and went to see Leo. I've been staying with him for about a week now because alpha Lucien said I could. We had a lot of sex but with him it's different it's not just sex we talk and he actually wants to get to know me and weirdly I want to get to know him and that's a completely new feeling for me.

It's early in the morning now and  I was getting dressed very quietly before sneaking out of Leo's house, I had to go see alpha Lucien and talk to him about what was going on.

I walked over to alpha Lucien's house and kneeled after ringing the doorbell waiting to be let in.

He opened the door and helped me up wordlessly then took me through to the living room where he sat down with me.

"What brings you here so early my dear?" He asked and I looked up at him

"I think I'm pregnant again sir" I answered looking down at my belly which was already swollen with another pup since werewolf pregnancys develop so quickly

"That is not unusual my dear but why have you come to see me about it?" He asked

"Because it has to be Leo's...he is the only one I've serviced since the last pup was born and I want to tell him but I don't know how" i responded

"My dear, I don't know what advice to give you" he said and pulled me into his lap "but if you would like me to tell him for you then I will "

All I did was nod softly as he pulled me into a deep passionate kiss then carried me upstairs to his playroom

"But it has been far too long my dear"

He said and layed me down on the bed before blindfolding me and ripping my clothes off. He chuckled softly and kissed me agressivly biting down on my bottom lip as he handcuffed me to the bedframe and slowly slid into me as I moaned loudly.

It was hours before I left his house full of bruises scratches bite marks and a few other kinds of marks but somehow feeling much better as I went back to Leo's house for breakfast

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