chapter seven

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Elanas pov:

I had left to go service some other members of the pack...they had grown rather impatient usually they only have to wait a few days after I have a pup before I can service them again and by now it had been a few weeks...I had to admit I kinda missed it.

This time they were rough and there were a lot of them, it was amazing at the time but God it hurt I headed back to Leo's house but first I had to stop at Beta Luke's house and service him, he was never particularly rough so I didn't mind much.

I walked through the unlocked door and into his living room immediately he came up behind me gripping my throat I could feel his hard length against me and instinctively pushed my ass back. He blindfolded me and whispered In my ear "I've missed you" then he started undressing me ripping my clothes off with his teeth before laying me down on the dining room table. He forced my legs apart "so pretty" he growled before starting to slowly teasingly kiss up my thighs eventually reaching my throbbing heat he gently ran his tongue back and forth over my clit for what felt like hours but could only have been a few minutes getting me right on the edge of my release before pulling away. I whined in disappointment but he just chuckled softly "patience my dear" he said and I heard the click of the lighter before feeling the burning hot wax drip onto my thighs letting out soft whimpers and moans as hi dripped it higher and higher up then he let the hot wax drip onto my clit and that was the final push I needed to find my release, but that was only the beginning.

He started dripping the wax onto my sensitive nipples me whimpering and moaning and hissing at the slight burn and eventually he took the candle away. He gripped my hair pulling my head back before slowly pushing his cock down my throat I barely gagged having learned how a long time ago. I Immediately started to suck hungrily greedily taking him deeper and deeper eager to please him and then he pulled out and came all over my face only letting me taste a little bit of it.

But I knew he wasn't done. he pulled me by my thighs to the edge of the table and I heard the sound of the vibrator before I felt it. He pushed the tip of it against my ass and asked "can you take both my dear?" He had done this with me before and I trusted him so I replied "of course sir" and with that he pushed it in. I arched my back moaning more loudly than before my eyes rolled back in pure pleasure as he slowly started to push his cock into me once he was all the way in he paused letting me adjust to the feeling. It had been a while since we had done this "so full" I moaned out gripping onto the table as he started thrusting slowly at first but hitting my g spot each time as he sped up starting to thrust harder. Eventually he was absolutely pounding into me and neither of us could do much more then moan as he slammed in once more and we both reached out climax together. He pulled out and stepped back to admire what he had done "so pretty" he said once again just watching me moan and squirm from the vibrator still inside me. He just watched for at least a half hour forcing me to cum over and over again until eventually he turned it off and took it out.

"You did well my dear" he said as he took of my blindfold "thank you sir" I responded still breathing heavily. "you can go take a shower upstairs there's some fresh clothes for you there" he said and helped me up from the table before I headed upstairs.

I stood in the shower letting the hot water run over my bruised scratched bitten and now burned skin allowing myself to relax. Releasing the tension in my muscles as I washed the wax sweat and cum off of myself. After a long hot relaxing shower I brushed out my hair and tied it up I then dried myself off and got dressed in the pile of clothes that were left there for me...I was glad it was something warm and comfortable as I put the sweatpants and sweater on then out my socks and shoes on.

When I stepped out of the bathroom beta Luke was in his office so I chose not to disturb him before heading back to Leo's place.

When I walked through the door I saw Leo and then I saw alpha Lucien and then I got scared so I said "you guys are busy I'll just go" and went to walk out the door again but then alpha Lucien said one word "stay" and so I did and I went to sit down next to him.

"You're pregnant?" Leo asked.
"Yes" I responded not looking him in the eye.
"It's mine?" He asked coming over to sit with me.
I just nodded and he pulled me onto his lap
"Hey! This is great news you don't have to be nervous" he said with a smile lifting my chin and gently kissing my slightly swollen lips.

And with that alpha Lucien stood up and walked out the front door.

Leaving us alone.

Alone together.

A/n: I know this chapter is really long but I thought I'd write a long one since I've been away plus I thought you guys might Appreciate some more descriptive smut.

By the way I love all you guys and I'm so grateful you guys are reading my book thank you for being so patient.

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