chapter four

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Leo's pov:
I woke up the next morning to find that Elana had left, this didn't surprise me breeders rarely got time to relax and weren't busy.
Then I found the note which read:

Went to have the pup.
Will come see you in a few days

This did surprise me, not the fact that she was having the pup I mean she was just about ready to pop but the fact that she left a note was surprising, did she do that for everyone else? I wondered to myself.

The next three days went by without anything eventful happening but then on the forth day, I was at my new job at the doctor's office and Elana walked in
"I missed you" she said

"I missed you too..."

I barely got to finish my sentence before she climbed into my lap and kissed me and after that we spent hours upon hours in my office kissing and fucking in what had to be the greatest day of my life and once we were done I looked at her and said:

"You left a note"

"I did" she responded

"Do you do that for the others?" I asked out of breath

"No just you" she said also trying to catch her breath

"Why?" I asked

"I have no idea"

Authors note:
Sorry this one is so short but I promise something exciting will happen in the next one

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