twisted metal

184 9 2

Author's note:
This fanfic is about Tsukki and Yams and I've had a ton of fun writing it :)
I hope u guys enjoy. There is a kiss and some cuddling, i guess I'll put a warning at the top of those chapters.
Have fun reading, and please comment on any parts I could improve on, or any formatting/spelling errors/grammar that doesn't make sense.
Word count: 1300 (plus author's notes)


Tsukki gritted his teeth with frustration as Hinata once again dodged around his block, spiking the ball.

Nishinoya dove forward, just barely missing the ball, and it hit the ground.
"Don't mind!" Daichi called, and Noya passed the ball over to Hinata's team, where Kageyama was up to serve.

"Server up!" Suga yelled, and Kageyama tossed the ball, running and jumping to hit it.
It flew straight to Tanaka, who dropped to a knee to bump it, sending it in a high arc.

"Suga-san!" he yelled, racing into a spiking position.
Suga set the ball, but instead tossing it backwards to where Daichi had just jumped to spike.
Tsukki felt a surge of satisfaction as Kageyama cursed, and the ball hit the ground.

"Good one, Daichi!" Suga said, high-fiving the captain.

"Tanaka's serve," Daichi called, catching the ball that Ennoshita tossed to him and passing it to Tanaka, who squared up to serve.


"Did you see my float serve, Tsukki?" Yamaguchi asked excitedly, still worked up from practice.

"I saw it. It could still use practice," Tsukki answered, then saw Yamaguchi deflate a bit.
"You've made a lot of progress, though."

"Thanks, Tsukki!" Yamaguchi beamed, immediately excited again.
"Did you see Hinata and Kageyama working on their quick? That's something that could use some more practice for sure," Yamaguchi babbled, walking backwards in front of Tsukki.


Whenever Yamaguchi was on a tangent, Tsukki only needed to agree every now in then, and he usually only used one word.

"But Suga-san's and Kageyama's new attack thing is really cool! Don't you think, Tsukki?"

"It's okay."

Yamaguchi continued, and Tsukki tuned out guiltily, but he was busy thinking about one of the tips he'd gotten from Kuroo and Bokuto about his blocking.

"Yeah, I think so too," Tsukki agreed as Yamaguchi paused, looking at him for his opinion.
Yamaguchi was apparently quite good at analyzing their teammate's new moves and what they could improve on. It was usually quite interesting to listen to, but Tsukki couldn't get his mind to stay focused on Yamaguchi's voice.

And then Tsukki heard the scream of metal, saw the flash of light, then felt Yamaguchi slam into him, throwing him backwards a few feet.

Tsukki landed on his back, head cracking against the pavement. He groaned, slowly sitting up.

After a moment, he found his glasses on the ground by him, putting them on and blinking against the instant headache.
"Yamaguchi- what the he-"

Tsukki stopped abruptly. And looked at the mess in front of him.

There was a car. On the sidewalk. Where he'd been only a moment before.

Horror raced through Tsukki's veins, and he scrambled to his feet.

What if the stars went out? (A TsukkiYama fic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now