part 11

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And then Yamaguchi breathed deeply.

Tsukki's head shot up, and he stared at his friend, afraid to believe what he was seeing.

Yamaguchi's eyes shot open, and he sat up, gasping.

Tsukki stood, staring at his friend.

The world was frozen.

But Tsukki's world would move again.

And the stars would shine again.

"T-Tsukki? What happened- what's going on?" Yamaguchi asked, and Tsukki nearly blacked out after hearing his voice again.

"Tadashi," he whispered, then flung himself at Yamaguchi, pulling him into a tight hug.

Yamaguchi curled around Tsukki, startled by the hug, but he leaned into it.

"You're alive!" Tsukki said, voice still soft.

"What- what do you mean?" Yamaguchi asked, and he sounded scared.

Tsukki quickly pulled back and held Yamaguchi's face in his hands.

"Everything's okay. Well, it is now, I mean," Tsukki said hastily, then winced as Yamaguchi seemed even more panicked.

"What happened?" he demanded again, clasping his hands together anxiously. 

"There was a car crash. You've been in a coma for four weeks, Tadashi."

Yamaguchi stared blankly at the white blanket in front of him, eyes wide.
Tsukki took that as cue to wrap him in another hug, whispering quietly to Yamaguchi.
"We were walking when a car flew at us. You shoved me out of the way. I'm so, so sorry.
"But thank you."

It took quite a while to finally explain everything to Yamaguchi, who seemed more and more horrified by the second.
Once he calmed down, the entire team flung themselves on Tsukki and Yamaguchi.
One of the doctors came in, extremely confused, yelling at everyone to back away.
Cue extreme panic from doctors as their patient is actually alive.
Yamaguchi's parents were speechless, but they flung themselves at him, too.

"Akiteru?" Tsukki asked, poking his head into his brother's room.
Akiteru looked up from his phone.
"Oh- hey Kei. I gotta go, Saeko. Bye."
Akiteru put down his phone and gestures for Tsukki to come in. Tsukki grabbed Akiteru's chair and sat, resting his elbows on his knees.
"Tadashi's awake."
"What?! Since when? But I thought today-"
"Yeah. Just since like a few hours ago.
After his parents pulled the plug."
Akiteru stared at Tsukki in shock and disbelief.
"How is he still alive?" Akiteru asked.
"I don't even know. The doctors are still figuring things out. But he gets to come home soon."
Akiteru grinned, and Tsukki stood, then held his arms out, self-conscious. Akiteru hugged him, and Tsukki bit his lip, not wanting to cry.
When they pulled out of the hug, Tsukki could see a tear had rolled down Akiteru's cheek.

So yeah anyways lol btw sorry abt the editing I gave up after a bit

What if the stars went out? (A TsukkiYama fic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now