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I have no idea what's happening anymore sorry it all sucks lol my energy is  D R A I N E D  af

Tsukki knocked softly on Yamaguchi's door, then opened it.

Yamaguchi was sitting with his back pressed into his wall, something Tsukki had noticed him doing lately, and his face lit up when he saw Tsukki.

"Tsukki! How was school?"

"Boring, I can't wait for you to come back. Practice was also boring."

The doctors wouldn't let Yamaguchi go back to school yet, and he had check-ins every other day which consisted of drawing blood and doing test after test.

They were still trying to figure out how Yamaguchi had survived.

Tsukki hugged Yamaguchi, setting down his bag and sitting beside his boyfriend, listening as he chattered on and on about what he wanted to do once he got back to regular life.

Then there was a crash from the kitchen.
Tsukki could tell it was dishes breaking, from the sound and from Yamaguchi's mom swearing, but Yamaguchi's eyes went wide, and he curled into a ball, hands over his head.

"Tadashi-" Tsukki said quietly, and Yamaguchi shuddered, breaths quickening.

Tsukki stared at Yamaguchi. This had never happened before.

But when he caught a glimpse of Yamaguchi's face, he could see the flashbacks that must be pummeling him.

Tsukki maneuvered himself around Yamaguchi, then pulled him onto his lap and hugged him.

Yamaguchi's body was stiff, muscles tense, and Tsukki rested his chin on his shoulder, whispering to him.

"It's okay. You're safe. That's never going to happen, ever again. Everything's okay. Your mom broke a dish. Everything's fine. You're okay. You're safe."

Gradually, Yamaguchi relaxed against against Tsukki, and Tsukki held him.
After several deep breaths, Yamaguchi sat up, turning to face Tsukki.

"Thank you," he whispered, pulling his sleeves to cover his hands and wiping his eyes.

Tsukki caught his hands and pulled Yamaguchi against him, kissing him.
Yamaguchi let out a small noise of surprise, and Tsukki's lips curved up against Yamaguchi's.


Tsukki woke up when the sunlight streaming through Yamaguchi's window got too bright.

He blinked at Yamaguchi who was curled up in front of him, fitting perfectly with Tsukki, wearing his sweater.

Tsukki smiled, slowly sitting up so he didn't disturb Yamaguchi.

When he got up to find his shirt, he paused in front of Yamaguchi's mirror, then examined his neck.

There was a mark on it.

He felt a small flush rise in his cheeks as he fought back a smile, then froze as he saw Yamaguchi smirking at him in the mirror.

Tsukki turned around hastily, letting out an embarrassed laugh, and Yamaguchi grinned, head falling back into his pillow.

"How'd you sleep?" Yamaguchi asked, tone playful.

"Excellent, thank you," Tsukki answered, using his proper voice.

Yamaguchi closed his eyes again, then pulled Tsukki's hood onto his head and pulling the strings so his face was covered by it.

Tsukki checked his phone, responding to the few texts he had received.

He turned back to Yamaguchi and crouched over him, and when he peeked out of the hood, Tsukki stole a kiss.

"What's for breakfast?" he asked, finally finding his shirt and pulling it over his head, fixing his glasses.

"Dunno, but it smells like bacon," Yamaguchi observed, then stood up and opened his door.

His mom looked up, smirking at the boys' messy hair.

"Wow, I thought you two might be dead," she commented, then winced a bit.

They'd had an awkward talk about Yamaguchi's parents pulling the plug. Tsukki was pretty sure it had involved several panic attacks from Yamaguchi.

"Well- anyways- you guys want bacon and eggs?"


What if the stars went out? (A TsukkiYama fic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now