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Part three!! I don't have anything else to really say. I know the parts are pretty short but ya know what maybe I'll add more eventually :)

Tsukki's mom chattered for the whole drive home. She seemed to be trying to fill the silence. Akiteru had come too, and he wasn't helping her. His face was stony.
He'd seemed excited to see Tsukki, but then he had asked about Yamaguchi again.

"So, do you know anything else about Yamaguchi?" Akiteru had asked.

"No. Why would I know?" Tsukki had responded, face blank.

Akiteru took a step back, disbelief flashing in his eyes.

Tsukki's mom had looked flustered, and she hurried the paperwork, ushering Tsukki out the door and glancing at Akiteru warningly.

"So, you excited to be home? And to go back to school and volleyball?" his mom asked now.

"I don't really feel like playing volleyball," Tsukki said, sounding like he was trying the words out.

"What? But- Kei! You love volleyball!"

"Yeah. I dunno."

Tsukki could see Akiteru glancing at him in the mirror, eyes narrowed.

Tsukki raised an eyebrow at his brother, who turned away angrily.

What's his problem?



Tsukki winced. The moment he'd walked through the gym doors, all activity had stopped. Hinata had been the one to yell across the gym, and then everyone had raced over, crowding around Tsukki.

"What's going on?"
"Why weren't you and Yamaguchi here for like a whole week?"
"Hey- where is Yamaguchi?"

To Tsukki's surprise, he felt like everyone was pressing in on him. He inhaled deeply, fighting back this new feeling of claustrophobia.

"I'll tell you everything as long as you back up," he said quietly, and the message was passed around, and then Tsukki could breathe again.

Daichi put an arm on Tsukki's shoulder as he thought of what to say.

"Yamaguchi's in a coma," was how he started, then he winced as everyone erupted into noise.

"What?!" Hinata yelped, moving forward, and everyone seemed to subconsciously follow his lead, and Tsukki backed away.

"Everyone quiet! And sit!" Suga yelled, standing on the bench and cupping his hands around his mouth.

The group settled down, obeying Suga, and Tsukki forced himself to take slow breaths.

Why was this so hard? Why did he feel like the weight of the world was crushing him?

"I assume you know about the car crash?" Tsukki asked, gathering his thoughts.
Everyone nodded, eyes wide.

They look like a bunch of kids ready for story time, Tsukki thought, disgusted.

"Well, Yamaguchi sort of- got himself injured."

"What? What do you mean?" Tanaka asked, scrunching his nose. Hinata looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"He- shoved me out- of the way. And he got hurt." The sentence was choppy and awkward, and Tsukki dug his fingernails into his palm, trying to stay calm.

"Yamaguchi saved you!" Nishinoya said, sounding outraged and shocked. "And you say he 'injured himself'?!"

Suga immediately shushed the murmur that rose up.

"I- I didn't mean it like that-" Tsukki stammered, digging his nails in harder.

Then someone touched his arm. Tsukki turned to Daichi, who smiled kindly.

"I can take it from here."

Tsukki gratefully let Daichi step forward, and he leaned against the wall, struggling to keep his face blank.

He didn't hear a word Daichi said, but from the horrified faces, it was fairly blunt.
The rest of practice was very depressing. There was no energy in the room, and no one talked or chattered like they normally did.

Finally, Daichi clapped his hands, immediately drawing the attention of the team.

"Okay, I want to do a four on four match. Red jerseys: Tsukishima, Suga, Asahi, and Nishinoya. Green: Tanaka, me, Hinata, and Kageyama."

Tsukki followed Suga over, taking the number 11 jersey and pulling it over his head.

As soon as the match started, Tsukki felt comforted by the familiar rhythm on the court. Shoes squeaking, ball hitting arms and hands. Tsukki almost felt like he was on autopilot as he bunched his muscles, then jumped to block Hinata's spike. It hit his fingers and fell back into their court. Tsukki felt a surge of satisfaction when the ball hit the ground.

Red was winning 17-14. Tsukki was surprised at how quickly the mood had boosted in the gym. Hinata even had a grin on his face as he raced from one end of the court to the other. Daichi shouted orders, and the gym felt so much fuller with all the noise.

Tsukki decided right then and there to keep playing. And to stay focused. And to never stay alone in silence.

Part four coming soon!

What if the stars went out? (A TsukkiYama fic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now