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I'm so sorry u guys I completely forgot this existed. Anyways enjoy :)

"YAMAGUCHI!" came a cry from more than one person as Tsukki and Yamaguchi walked into the gym.

The team rushed over, and Yamaguchi let out a small eep!

"Woah! Slow DOWN!" Suga and Daichi yelled, and the team screeched to a halt, eyes shining and grins splitting their faces.

"We missed you!"

"You're back!"

"How are you feeling?"


Yamaguchi laughed, and took hugs from each member, talking and shining just as brightly as they did.

Tsukki watched, finally allowing his smile to spread onto his face.

"Tsukki!" Yamaguchi yelled from the center of the boys, and Tsukki made his way through, tripping over Hinata multiple times, then bumping into Yamaguchi and standing behind him.

Yamaguchi tipped his head back to look up at Tsukki, a grin on his face.

Tsukki kissed him upside-down.

There was a moment of silence, then everyone was yelling, some cheering and some shocked.

Then they were surrounding Yamaguchi and Tsukki again, jostling them and slapping the two on the backs.


After practice, the rest of the team sat around Yamaguchi on the grass outside the gym, filling him in on things and listening to his stories.

Tsukki had already heard the stories, of what Yamaguchi could remember dreaming about during his coma.

One of his dreams had been about Tsukki.
Yamaguchi didn't tell the others that one.
Tsukki watched Yamaguchi, smiling softly and studying every inch of his face.

His freckles, his beautiful eyes, his messy hair, the way his face lit up when he talked.

And the sun was going down.

And the stars came out.



What if the stars went out? (A TsukkiYama fic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now