i'm sorry

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Hello loves!
Honestly I've been in a sorta writing slump for DaYs now and it's hella annoying lol buuuuut maybe I can force myself to write? I'm working on a BokuAka story and a SakuAtsu AU!!! Let me know if I should try and publish them!!! (If u wanna read them I mean)

Not even daring to breathe, Tsukki carefully pressed his fingers against Yamaguchi's, and realized
he could feel warmth coming from them.

Slowly he began to lift his head, worried if he moved too quickly, the heartbeat would vanish.

Tsukki finally looked at Yamaguchi's face.
It was pale.

But it was alive.

"Yamaguchi," Tsukki whispered.

Yamaguchi's parents looked up and glared at him, and Tsukki felt a hand on his back.

"We should go, Kei," Suga whispered, and Tsukki turned to see the third-years face, wet with tears.

"No-" Tsukki said, but his throat stopped working. He cleared it, a horribly loud sound, and tried again.
"No. We can't go. I have to-"
I have to see if it's true.

He shook off Suga's hand, then sat on the bed beside Yamaguchi. There were no wires in the way, now.

"Please." Tsukki's lips moved, but he wasn't sure that any sound had come out.
He could feel tension building in the room.
Soon it would burst.


Seconds passed. Seconds turned into minutes.

Tsukki slumped in defeat.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.
He took off his glasses, pressing his eyes closed with his fingers.

I don't wanna leave y'all hanging but yeah
Sorry for such short chapters!!!! Idk if I've said this before but I originally wrote this as one like solid thing so breaking it up into bits made it smaller and also uneven
Word count 250

What if the stars went out? (A TsukkiYama fic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now