(Idk what to call this chapter, any ideas?)

87 7 1

Words: 1226
Also i think I didn't put word count on another chapter, let me know if I forget

Tsukki unlocked the front door of his house, and it was dark.

"Anyone home?" he called, not sure whether he wanted anyone to be.

No one answered, and Tsukki headed straight up to his room. His headphones were on in a second, and his music was playing on the louder volumes.

Methodically, Tsukki went through his school bag, sorting through papers and setting homework to the side.

He was so absorbed in his task that
he didn't notice Akiteru leaning against his doorframe. When he finally sensed his brother, he jumped and paused his music.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Too long," Akiteru answered, coming in and sitting on Tsukki's bed.
"How was school?"

"Fine..." Tsukki said, slightly suspicious.

Akiteru sighed. "I swear I'm not going to yell at you or sprout horns and a tail. I just want to know."

"Well, i have a lot of homework to catch up on, so if you could let me get to that, that would be great. Without waiting for his brother's response Tsukki put his headphones back on.

Akiteru's hand grabbed his, gripping it tight, and he took Tsukki's headphones off.

Tsukki glared at him, but didn't make any move to stop Akiteru from taking his headphones.

"Okay. I guess I'll just get to the point then," Akiteru said, sighing. "I want you to know that I'm here for you to talk about anything. And before you can say that there's nothing to talk about-" Akiteru added, putting up a hand as Tsukki opened his mouth to say exactly that- "I can tell there's something off. I don't know whether you're hurting or if you're like having PTSD, or whether you're upset about Tadashi. But I think you need to talk about it."

Tsukki stared at his brother.

What does he expect me to do? Start bawling and rush into his arms??

"Get out of my room."

"Kei- we have to talk."

Tsukkis knew Akiteru wouldn't budge, so he stood and left the room. He went downstairs, pulling on a pair of shoes and opening the front door and coming face to face with a surprised Suga, fist raised to knock.

"Oh! Hey Tsukishima! We came to see you-"

Tsukki brushed past Suga, heart still pounding angrily in his fingertips.

Daichi, Tanaka, Noya, Hinata, Ennoshita, and Kageyama were gathered outside. Tsukki could see Yachi sitting shotgun in the minivan parked out front.

"Kei! You're coming with us then?" Daichi asked, moving to block Tsukki's path.

"Coming where?" Tsukki was still seething, but he tried to calm himself.

"We're going to first make a poster for Yamaguchi, then we're going to visit him!" Hinata chimed in, looking excited. "We're going to my house to make the poster! I have to most crafting supplies."

Tsukki was speechless, and Suga patted his shoulder.

"So, so you want to come?" he asked gently.

"I- I guess-" Tsukki said, then regretted it. Hinata cheered.


Hinata's house was fairly small but very homey. Hinata led them into the kitchen, inviting them to sit down and then disappearing into a closet.

What if the stars went out? (A TsukkiYama fic) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now