08. Rae

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To my disappointment, I cannot buy property here without an adult since I don't have any power here

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To my disappointment, I cannot buy property here without an adult since I don't have any power here. Yet.

So I had to tell Andreas. He seemed convinced by the investment excuse. It's not like he knows the address anyway.

It was weird today, when he told me they won't throw me out, his eyes held promise. But the again, who would want to be with me once they know how far I've gone.

We start getting ready to leave for home, I look at the box of jewelry in my hand. How much did this even cost? I don't really wear this kind of stuff, not to mention he probably bought it with Alfonso's money. I couldn't say no, but it's not like I'm gonna wear it. It's so.. extra. And I generally go with minimal stuff.

I don't like spending money on jewelry. I usually just buy cheap jewelry use it like 5 times, throw it out and buy some more. Did seb really not know I would have no use for this?

I think I'm going to return it and give the money back to Alfonso.

We start walking towards the exit. "Where did you park your car?" Andreas asks me.

"I didn't bring a car." I reply.

"How did you come then?"

"I took a cab. Your rich ass probably isn't familiar with the concept." I tease.

He scowls. "Those aren't safe. And I know what a cab is plus I though you were a rich bitch" He says in a high pitched but low voice, not wanting anyone else, specially seb to hear.

"I am. I'm also economical."

"Well next time call me, and I'll pick you up."

My heart melts.

"Awh, are you worried Andreas?"

"Yeah, what if you kidnapped someone?"

I throw him a scowl.

"SHOTGUN." Leo shouts from behind us but i ignore him and sit in the passenger seat.

"How dare you disrespect the rules of shotgun?" He says, offended.

I just smile apologetically, fakely.

He seems to realize that I don't want to engage in a conversation with him and drops it.

We get home soon and I'm about to enter when Andreas pulls me by my arm to the side.

"Sebastian told dad something about you speeding and getting arrested. I know you wouldn't do anything irresponsible. I just wanted to give you a heads up."

I sigh not wanting to deal with this shit after such a long day. "Thank you Rae." I've been thinking of a nickname since his name is too long. I just said it in the moment but I like it.

"Rae?" He asks, his lips quirked upwards.

"Your name is too long." I groaned.

"It's not because I'm your ray of sunshine?" He asks feigning hurt.

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