chapter 20: THE VERDICT 👑

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Everyone went to their respective chambers after a long day's trip......with harkha and maham plotting against the new mallika of the country which is going to be made under the every other time maham is successful in poisoning harkha's mind with her evil words.......harkha vows to herself that she would change this dynamics btw them once the child is born......praying that it is a male child......

The next day everyone assembled in the court to give a verdict regarding shariffuddin as it was still pending......the emperor's arrival is announced by the guards and he walks majestically to his throne......the royal women in attendence included bakshi bano and naziya too.....

He started," As i ve announced already,all these happenings and misunderstandings are due to this man's wrongdoings, he committed a crime that no one should commit in the royal household,and the punishment that will be given to him today would be an example to all those who even think to betray me in the future...." 
His eyes were red by now in anger as he reminised what all happened in the past days,how harkha confronted him about the truth and ruqaiya banished out of the kingdom....ruqaiya sees bakshi whose eyes are filled with tears with hamida sitting next to her in a sad face....she looks at ruqaiya in a state of helplessness.....ruqaiya looks at nazia who nods at her as if understanding what she is about to do....

The emperor starts," Since all his wrongdoings had impacted a stain in the personal life of me and the mallika-e-hind i would like to ask her opinion before giving the final verdict"...this came as a relaxation for ruqaiya as she too waited for this opputunity to voice out her opinion....

She stood up from her place and bows her head in respect to which he nods....
" Shehensha,thank you for asking my opinion...i always thought to give nazia the right she deserves in this kingdom..
I always wanted to punish sharriffudin saab for the sin he had comitted....but i am too the member of a family who cannot see any of my loved ones in pain....considering the child in both woman's will be no good to give death penalty or lifetime imprisonment as his punishment....
[the emperor looks at her for more explanation and the whole crowd is talking among themselves]
Therefore, I would ask you to marry off nazia to shariffuddin after her iddat gets completed, in this way the child will have a name of a father"

The whole crowd talked among themselves dicussing different opinions regarding this....hamida and salima gives it a thought so as in this way bakshi's heart can also be saved from being broken......maham gasps and thinks about what the emperor's verdict would be....harkha was equally shocked....bakshi did not know what to react,at one side her husband would be with her in raising her child at other side she would be sharing him with someone else....this thought made her disappointed......

The emperor was out of words after hearing her opinion,he thought to himself how could she forgive him this much easily.....he asked,"this is what u have to say begum,after what all he had done to us,u still want to forgive him?"...

she replies," I can understand badshah salamat,he had done a heinous crime by barging into your harem and made ur begum fall in his traps and even made her pregnant.....but what did the child do shehensha? what sin did it commit that even before coming into this world it has to face such an accusation? the child was concieved because of him.....and he tried to escape this situation by leaving that poor woman all by that way he not only betrayed you,your kingdom but also his wife and his secret lover.....he did all this so as to remain the husband of the as to be in power.....but he would not expect such a lifetime punishment than this....also i know how much bakshi loves her every other woman.....i cannot let her life too go in vain"

She looked up after explaining all her points to see the emperor still thinking...probably  he is angry with the culprit because of the mistakes he had committed....he looks at ruqaiya who nods at him in a yes....he starts," then the queen's decision is my decision.....[he looks at sharifuddin] you! as soon as i give talaq to nazia,after her iddat is completed you should marry her......and you will take care of both your wives need and treat them equally.....u will also give their children your name and raise them with honor......"
He looks at her....
Ruqaiya says"if anything happens behind my back and if i come to hear anything...then know that your head will be slashed at the very moment...."

Nazia was happy so as her child would get the love of a father and bakshi too smiled at her...hinting it will all be good.....ruqaiya and hamida felt happy as everything is now sorted....

The soldiers release sharifuddin and he heads back to his chamber with grunting his teeth....the emperor announces that there would be a celebration after 2 days so as to celebrate ruqaiya's new title and harkha's pregnancy.....he handed over  look after the preparations to salima begum as harkha is expecting......plans were made to invite her rajput family too......

Everyone started dispersing to their respective chambers...when ruqaiya was about to leave, nazia came to her and hugged her tightly......she too reciprocates it with the same warmth.....

Ruqaiya says,"enough of your crying nazia, it will spoil ur health.."

She replies,''how can i not cry begum sahiba, u have saved my child's life from destruction....i am forever grateful to you...thank you so much''

Ruqaiya says,'' don't talk as if i had done a huge favour, jo kuch bhi huva usme jithna sharifuddin saab ka kasoor hai uthna aapki bhi hai....think it as a second chance from the lord.....lead ur life respectfully....and if u want anything in the future feel free to approach me''

Nazia is overwhelmed by the generosity of the begum who is always thought to be an arrogant lady....she says,'' u have done what you promised me begum sahiba, u have given me the justice and also his punishment.... I pray to God that u too will be blessed with children to keep up your name''
She replies, " May your words come true nazia! " She smiles looking at her tummy😁
Ruqaiya consoles her and asks her to take some rest...all this were watched by the emperor....he thought to question her regarding the matter but now understood what she actually meant....he gave his punishment to nazia by announcing to give talaq...and the culprit was punished by forcefully accepting the disgrace he had done.....

He thought to himself that he is indeed lucky to have her by his side in his life.....the respect he had for her increased many folds....

Little did he know there would be a surprise for him😉

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